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Child Development Center Policies

Waiting List Policies

The OU CDC has a lengthy waiting list. To keep the waiting list up-to-date, we ask that you call and update information (DOB, Name, Address, Phone Numbers, Emails, etc) when they change.

We are unable to give families a definite timeline for enrollment at the CDC. The date of application as well as the age of the child are factors. Preference is given to siblings of children already enrolled. Every August, we enroll about 20-30 new children.

  • Enrollment for the following school year begins in April. Calls are made and emails are sent to offer available spaces. Every attempt will be made to contact you using the most recent information on the waiting list. If we are unable to contact you after three attempts, because of incorrect contact information, your child鈥檚 name will be removed from the list.
  • When offered a space at the CDC, families have 7 days to decide. This would include time for a tour of the facility and any questions to be answered. If after 7 days there is no response the space would be offered to the next child on the list and your child鈥檚 name would be removed from the list.
  • If you decline an opening, you will be asked to identify which school year you would like to be considered for enrollment. We will not call again until enrolling for that school year.
  • If you decline an opening twice, the date of application will be changed to the date you decline the 2nd offer.

Enrollment Policies

  • If enrolled, an acceptance letter will be sent to you for return along with a $100 check as a deposit to hold the spot. This deposit will be taken off of the August tuition.
  • In July, families are required to attend a Center Orientation
  • In early August, enrollment paperwork is due and families meet with teachers and visit the classroom with their child.
  • New enrollees begin the first day of Fall semester each year.

Tuition Payments

The Child Development Center operates on a sliding fee scale created yearly by the University. Income
verification may be required yearly to determine the monthly tuition rate.

  • Payment is due on the first of each month.
  • Checks should be made payable to 帝王会所 Child Development Center or OU CDC. Automatic checks can be set up through your bank, Credit card, or e-check payments:
  • Tuition not in by the 10th of the month will be assessed a $50 late fee

Additional Tuition Policies

  • Families are required to pay the full payment each month even if they go on vacation, their child is sick or the Center closes due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances.
  • Tuition is calculated annually and divided into 12 equal monthly payments.
  • For families of incoming and outgoing children, the month of August is prorated. Incoming and outgoing families share the cost of the week of closure.
  • Year-long sabbaticals, August to August, can be placed on the waiting list with preference.
  • Partial year sabbaticals or trips away from Athens either require monthly tuition to hold the spot or can be placed back on the waiting list.

Withdrawing Policy for Tuition

  • Families wishing to withdraw their child/children may do so at any time.
  • A 30 day written notice is required to allow time to fill the vacant spot. Email will work.
  • Families must pay tuition for a full thirty days after the notice.