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Unit for the Preparation of Education Professionals (UPEP) Meeting

Unit for the Preparation of Education Professionals (UPEP) Meeting

Spring I Meeting Minutes
Friday, March 10, 2023, 1:00-3:00pm
Teams Meeting

±Ê°ù±ð²õ±ð²Ô³Ù: Wendy Adams, Debra Fanning, Brett Noel, Dianne Gut-Zippert, Amy Wolfe, Kim Ciroli, Marcy Keifer Kennedy, Sara Helfrich, Chris Kennedy, Linda Rice, Danielle Feeney, Danielle Dani, Mathew Felton-Koestler, Teri Peasley, Greg Kessler, Stephen Harvey, Ryan Pigman, Anne Scott, Alan Wu, Kevin Cordi, Zac Schabel, Shauna Kostival, David Rohall, Jane Skon 

Not Present:  Joyce Atwood, Andrea Bobo, Kathy Chini, Ricky Edwards, Brendon Goff, Terri Green, Jeesun Jung, Hannah Nissen, Hyun Ju Oh, Dwan Robinson, Mindy Rutherford, Jesse Strycker, Thomas Suk, Matthew Talbert, Laura Wentworth, Lisa Harrison, Sara Puckett, Karen Corcoran, Sheila Ross, Heather Sammons, Susan Payne, Kathleen Haskell, Allyson Hallman-Thrasher, Connie Patterson, Courtney Koestler, Theda Gibbs Grey, Sara Hartman, Jen Newton, Debra Dunning

  1. Communications to Stakeholders: Points of Pride/ Information
    1. Students – No students were present
    2. P12 Partners – Dr. Chris Kennedy and Ms. Shauna Kostival
      Dr. Kennedy reported during fall semester PDS teacher candidates were part of the service-learning project for the Community Engagement class. They addressed a community need and decided to provide blankets for those in need. They raised $1700 for this cause. The extra money was donated to the Alexander Field Trip Fund.
  2. ODHE Continuous Program Approval – Ms. Wendy Adams
    ODHE has changed the way in which the program review process is handled. The first batch of programs went through this fall. ODHE if off their timeline. We were to have a response as to if they were approved or if revisions are required by the end of December but have not heard from them yet. The programs going up for review this fall have been contacted by Ms. Adams if they have any questions they can contact her. Things that can be done now while waiting on ODHE for language required are the alignment spreadsheets and the collection of the syllabi.  
  3. Title II Report – Ms. Wendy Adams
    Ms. Adams did email anyone who needs to provide narrative information for the Title II report. Ms. Adams would like those to be back to her by the end of March so the report can be submitted to the federal government by April 30.
  4. CAEP Annual Report – Ms. Wendy Adams
    The CAEP annual report is also due April 30. Ms. Adams has begun work on this report. We are still waiting for state data to finish the report. As soon as this information is received Ms. Adams will send it out.  
  5. Higher Learning Commission Site Visit Fall 2024 – Ms. Wendy Adams
    This visit will be in the fall of 2024. Most have submitted needed data or evidence.
  6. Admission Testing – Ms. Wendy Adams and Dean Helfrich
    There was a discussion on admission testing. Ms. Adams proposed removing the admission test completely as a requirement and using specific courses for the requirements for math, reading and language arts and use cohort GPAs for whatever course meets those criteria. Some felt this would help with communicating and supported the idea. It was questioned if this was lowering our standards but pointed out that we do not currently use the test scores for admission. Ms. Adams suggested that if needed this subject could be brought up again at the April UPEP meeting.
  7. Clinical Practice Committee Update – Ms. Marcy Keifer Kennedy
    1. Recommended OAE Schedule
      In support of our teacher candidates Ms. Keifer Kennedy and Mr. Zac Schabel had a conversation on the importance of updating the OAE recommendation schedule for teacher candidacy. They will need to pass all the require exams before they can be recommended for licensure. Program chairs looked at the schedule to determine when candidates might be must successful in taking the exams. The draft can be found in the UPEP OneDrive folder.  
  8. Assessment Council Update – Ms. Wendy Adams and Dr. Theda Gibbs-Grey
    1. Program Rubric Alignment 22-23 Academic Year – Ms. Wendy Adams
      Ms. Adams requested that if available please send to her by the end of spring semester so she can work on them over the summer and get them updated in LiveText.  
    2. OAE – Ms. Wendy Adams
      This report is in the UPEP folder in OneDrive. The subcommittee is recommending no changes at this time because due to leftover effects from Covid it is felt that it is not appropriate to go through and find trends at this point.
    3. Dispositions – Ms. Maureen Coon
      It has been proposed by one of the school districts that the name of the Intervention Disposition be changed to Improvement Plan or Plan for Support. It was decided that Intervention Disposition will be changed to Improvement Plan. Ms. Adams s indicated she would make the change to the form. 
    4. Niagara University Dispositions Assessment – Ms. Wendy Adams
      We have the opportunity to join with Niagara University under an MOU to use their disposition assessment instead of the one we created a few years ago. There are copies of it in the UPEP folder in OneDrive. It is very similar to what we used to use. It is a little shorter than the one we use. The plus side is the reliability and validity on it has already been done. This will be added to the next UPEP agenda.  
    5. Technology and Diversity Subcommittees Updates – Ms. Wendy Adams 
      The Technology Subcommittee and the Diversity Subcommittee has been working on making changes in the language in the rubrics. The Technology Subcommittee has finished this work. Ms. Adams has sent this rubric to CAEP to get feedback on the changes that were made. We should have this feedback by next week. This will be shared at the April UPEP meeting. The Diversity Subcommittee is also working on updating their rubric. They are looking at not only changing language, but also shortening the rubric and having it in multiple courses. Once this is done the subcommittee will meet again at the end of March. Then it will also be sent to CAEP for feedback.
  9. Announcements 

Please mark your calendars for these important upcoming dates!!

 UPEP Assessment Council April 14, 2023, 1-3pm