Glossary of terms and commonly used acronyms
Glossary of Terms and Commonly Used Acronyms
A&S: Arts and Sciences- Selected programs and/or courses in the College of Arts and Sciences are part of the Education Unit. They include the Modern Languages programs in French, German, and Spanish Education, content methods courses for /Young Adult (grades 7-12) Integrated Language Arts and Integrated Mathematics, and required and elective content courses for Integrated Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. (aka, CAS, College of Arts and Sciences)
AC: Assessment Council- Subcommittee of the Unit for the Preparation of Education Professionals comprised of faculty members and other stakeholders governing the development, administration, planning, evaluation, analysis, and reporting of assessments used for NCATE. The AC oversees the administration of all unit assessments including the development, analysis, reporting, and evaluation of the unit assessments.
ACTFL: American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages- Specialized Professional Association (SPA) for Modern Languages
Advanced Programs: Programs at post-baccalaureate levels for (1) the continuing education of teachers who have previously completed initial preparation or (2) the preparation of other school professionals
Advanced Standing: Second transition point for candidates in Initial programs. Candidates must have at least 60 semester hours to be admitted to Advanced Standing. Candidates typically take their methods courses when they are in Advanced Standing.
AFI: Area for Improvement- the NCATE team may assign one or more AFI(s) for any of the NCATE standards.
AIMS: Accreditation Information Management System- NCATE鈥檚 online site where all accreditation materials are stored and submitted.
ALT: Academic Leadership Team- A Patton College leadership team consisting of the PCOE deans, department chairs, the Budget Unit Manager, the Director of Assessment & Academic Improvement, the Data Forecasting, and the Administrator.
Appalachian Region: Appalachia is a distinct region of the United States that covers a 13-state area around the Appalachian Mountains. The Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) was created by the U.S. Congress in 1965 to bring poverty areas of 13 states in the southern range of the Appalachians into the mainstream of the American economy. The ARC Commission was created to promote economic growth and improve the quality of life in the region.
AYA: Adolescent/Young Adult- A teacher preparation program in the state of 帝王会所 that prepares candidates to teach content for grade 7 through grade 12
BOE: Board of Examiners: Onsite team evaluators who review the institution based on the NCATE鈥檚 Unit Standards.
CA: Change Agent: One of The Patton College鈥檚 conceptual core values. 鈥淭he Unit prepares leader-educators and practitioners who address changing human and social needs through inquiry, research, assessment, critical thinking, problem-solving, and proactive use of technology.鈥
CACREP: Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Education Programs- Council that accredits the Counselor Education program including the master鈥檚 level school counseling and community counseling and the doctoral level Counselor Education.
Candidate: Individuals admitted to, or enrolled in, programs for the initial or advanced preparation of teachers, teachers continuing their professional development, or other school professionals. Candidates are distinguished from students in P-12 schools.
Candidate Proficiencies: The Unit has outlined the proficiencies expected of ALL candidates in initial and advanced programs. These proficiencies are aligned to the .
CAEP: Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation- July 1, 2013, marked the defacto consolidation of the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) and the Teacher Education Accreditation Council (TEAC), making CAEP the new, sole specialized accreditor for educator preparation.
CARE: Creating Active, Reflective Educators- A school-university partnership with the Federal Hocking (Amesville) and Alexander Local (Alexander) School Districts that prepare teachers in the principles of democratic teaching and learning for Middle Childhood, Adolescent/Young Adult, and Multi-Age classrooms.
CCC: College Coordinating Council- Chaired by the Dean, The Patton College Coordinating Council is the formal administrative leadership body charged with addressing challenges that impede the success and effectiveness of faculty, staff, and students.
CE: Clinical Educator- Faculty and/or contracted employee of 帝王会所 who assesses candidates during the professional internship.
CEC: Council for Exceptional Children- Specialized Professional Association (SPA) for Special Education programs
CHE: Counseling & Higher Education- This Patton College department houses counseling programs including master鈥檚 level programs in Clinical Mental Health, School, and Rehabilitation Counseling and the Counselor Education and Supervision doctoral program. CHE also houses the master鈥檚 in Higher Education and College Student Personnel and a Higher Education doctoral program.
Clinical Faculty: P-12 school personnel and professional education faculty responsible for instruction, supervision, and/or assessment of candidates during field experience and clinical practice.
C&I: Curriculum and Instruction- The advanced master鈥檚 in Curriculum and Instruction is designed for teachers who already hold a teaching license or certificate in any content area or at any level, P12. Teachers seeking the C&I degree are seeking opportunities to advance their knowledge, skills, and dispositions in classroom teaching. This is a fully online program.
Communications & Connections: The Communications and Connections group, formed in 2006, includes superintendents, teachers, faculty, staff, and other educational partners. Its mission is to establish an aligned, agile, regional system of professional learning that meets the unique educational needs of children and the broader demands of a global society.
Conceptual Core: The Conceptual Core is the common and shared frame of reference that gives meaning to the unit鈥檚 operations through an articulated rationale and provides direction for programs, courses, teaching, candidate performance, faculty scholarship and service, and unit accountability. The Core is focused on four significant concepts: Leader-Educator; Diversity; Change Agent, and Lifelong Learner.
CORAS: Coalition of Rural and Appalachian Schools- Organization of 133 school districts and other educational institutions in the 29-county region of 帝王会所 designated as Appalachia designed to advocate for and support the public schools of Appalachia 帝王会所 in the continuous improvement of educational opportunities available to all the region's children.
CORE: Council on Rehabilitation Education- Council that accredits the Rehabilitation Counseling program in The Patton College of Education.
Core Dispositions: The Unit has four Core Dispositions: commitment to social justice, commitment to ethics, commitment to the well-being of students, families, and communities, and commitment to professional competence and ongoing professional development.
COST: Consortium for Overseas Teaching- A collaboration of 15 colleges and universities in the United States that provide opportunities for teacher candidates to have quality professional internship experiences in overseas settings.
CRCPB: Credential Review and Candidate Progress Board- The Credential Review and Candidate Progress Board oversees the progress of candidate appeals and/or any candidate whose behavior suggest that his or her candidacy for licensure may be questionable.
CTC: Curriculum and Technology Center- Located in The Patton College of Education, the CTC lab contains three computer labs, an education library, a student common area, and multi-media.
D: Diversity- One of the PCOE conceptual core values, 鈥淭he Unit prepares leader-educators and practitioners who appreciate the variety in human cultural expression, employ multiple approaches to inquiry, use knowledge and practice for the benefit of a diverse society, and promote social equity and justice for effective civic engagement.鈥
DACD: Dean鈥檚 Advisory Committee on Diversity- Guided by Dean Middleton鈥檚 charge, DACD involves the development of diversity plans with a focus on racial/ethnic diversity, as well as differences in gender orientation, socioeconomic differences, disability, difference in family structures and international populations.
DARS: Degree Audit Reporting System- The Degree Audit Reporting System (DARS) analyzes degree requirements for a major, minor, or certificate according to the catalog year in which a student enters a program. They are available online.
Dispositions: (Also known as Professional Dispositions) - Professional attitudes, values, and beliefs demonstrated through both verbal and nonverbal behaviors as educators interact with students, families, colleagues, and communities. These positive behaviors support student learning and development. NCATE expects institutions to assess professional dispositions based on observable behaviors in educational settings. The two professional dispositions that NCATE expects institutions to assess are fairness and the belief that all students can learn.
ECE: Early Childhood Education- An undergraduate initial teacher licensure program that prepares teacher candidates to teach in preschool-grade 3 (P-3)
ECIS: Early Childhood-Intervention Specialist- Initial graduate program that is recognized by both NAEYC & CEC
edTPA: ed Teacher Performance Assessment- Formerly the Teacher Performance Assessment, the edTPA is a multiple-measure assessment system aligned to state and national standards- including the Common Core State Standards and the Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC). The edTPA is completed during a candidate鈥檚 professional internship, is submitted via Pearson, and is nationally scored.
EDAD: Educational Administration- The EDAD programs (Principal, Superintendent, Teacher Leader, and Ed.D. in Educational Administration) within the Educational Studies department of The Patton College of Education prepare individuals for leadership positions in K-12 schools and other education agencies.
ELCC: Educational Leadership Constituent Council- Specialized Professional Association (SPA) for Educational Administration programs.
ETS: Education Testing Services- Administers and scores the Praxis tests. Beginning in September 2013, 帝王会所 will no longer use the Praxis II (content and/or pedagogy licensure tests). OU will only receive Praxis I data.
FAR: Chaddock + Morrow College of Fine Arts- Selected programs and/or courses in the Chaddock + Morrow College of Fine Arts are part of the Education Unit. They include Music Education- Choral and Music Education- Instrumental.
FCS: Family & Consumer Sciences Education- Initial teacher multiage licensure program housed in the Department of Human & Consumer Science.
FTE: Full-Time Equivalent- A term used to designate full-time employment as 1.0.
Group I Faculty: Tenured or tenured-track full-time faculty members.
Group II Faculty: Group II faculty consist of experienced persons, holding part-time or full-time appointments, who are primarily considered instructional personnel and may also have service responsibilities related to the teaching mission of the department, college, or university but no expectation for research or creative activity.
Group III Faculty: Persons holding part-time appointments who are primarily considered instructional personnel, and who have such qualifications as enable them to teach satisfactorily the courses assigned them. Group III faculty members typically work on term-to-term contracts.
Group IV Faculty: Visiting professor or other full-time appointments, adjunct professor, special appointments, or any other appointments not assigned to Group I, II, or III. Group IV faculty members hold faculty rank but not faculty status. Visiting professors and other full-time term appointments are limited to a total of three years, consecutive or otherwise, except for limited programs.
HCS: Human & Consumer Sciences - This Patton College department houses programs in Apparel, Textiles, and Merchandising; Family and Consumer Sciences Education; Retail Merchandising and Fashion Product Development; and Restaurant, Hotel, and Tourism.
Highly Effective Educator/ Teacher: Highly Effective Educator/ Teacher ratings are based on performance on the 帝王会所 Teacher Evaluation System (OTES). Teachers earn a performance rating of 鈥渁ccomplished, skilled, developing, or ineffective鈥. A teacher鈥檚 overall effectiveness rating is a composite of a teacher鈥檚 proficiency on the 帝王会所 Standards for the Teaching Profession (50%) and Student Growth Measures (50%). Ratings are based upon a minimum of two formal observations and multiple walkthroughs to gather evidence of mastery of the 帝王会所 Standards for the Teaching Profession (OSTP) and formal post-conferences, in addition to the sharing of data regarding scoring and rating designations. For a candidate to be highly qualified, they must pass the relevant OAE/Praxis tests for licensure.
ILA: Integrated Language Arts- Initial teacher licensure program that prepares undergraduate or graduate candidates to teach Language Arts to grades 7-12.
Initial Teacher Preparation Programs: Programs at the undergraduate or graduate levels that prepare candidates for the first license to teach.
INTASC: Created in 1987, the Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium is a consortium of state education agencies and national educational organizations dedicated to the reform of the preparation, licensing, and ongoing professional development of teachers.
IR: Institutional Report- A report that provides the institutional and unit contexts, a description of the unit鈥檚 conceptual framework, and evidence that the unit is meeting the NCATE unit standards.
IRA: International Reading Association- Specialized Professional Association (SPA) for the master鈥檚 in Reading Education program
ISLLC: Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium- Authors standards for school leaders
ISTE: International Society for Technology in Education- Specialized Professional Association (SPA) for Technology Facilitator Endorsement
LE: Leader-Educator- One of the PCOE conceptual core values: 鈥淭he Unit prepares expert, ethical, and reflective leader-educators and practitioners who are committed to holistic learning and engage in collaborative and professional service to society.鈥
License: 帝王会所鈥檚 system of licensure for teachers includes the following age bands: Early Childhood (age 3-grade 3), Middle Childhood (grades 4-9), /Young Adult (grades 7-12), Multi-Age (K-12), and Special Education (K-12)
LiveText: Technological tool used to assist in the collection and reporting of unit and program data.
LL: Lifelong Learning: One of the PCOE conceptual core values: 鈥淭he Unit prepares leader-educators and practitioners who engage in self-reflection and professional development for continuous personal growth, and who inspire similar practices in those whom they serve.鈥
MCE: Middle Childhood Education- A teacher preparation program in the State of 帝王会所 that prepares teacher candidates to teach in two content areas (Language Arts, Social Studies, Mathematics, Science) in grade 4 through grade 9
Mentee: Teacher candidate who completes his/her field experience and/or Professional Internship under the guidance of a mentor teacher.
M-M: Mild-to-Moderate- Specialized area in Special Education that prepares candidates to teach students with Mild to Moderate educational needs
M-I: Moderate-to-Intensive- Specialized area in Special Education that prepares candidates to teach students with Moderate to Intensive educational needs
ML: Modern Languages- Multiage programs at the initial level that prepare candidates to teach Spanish, French, or German
MT: Mentor Teacher- P-12 teacher who mentors teacher candidates during their field experiences and professional internship
Multi-Age: Programs at the initial licensure level that prepare candidates to teach Music, Physical Education, or Modern Languages at the K-12 level
NAEYC: National Association for the Education of Young Children- Specialized Professional Association (SPA) for the Early Childhood Education program
NASPE: National Association for Sport and Physical Education- Specialized Professional Association (SPA) for the Physical Education program
NBPTS: National Board for Professional Teaching Standards- The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, known simply as National Board, was formed in 1987 to advance the quality of teaching and learning by developing professional standards for accomplished teachers, creating a voluntary system to certify teachers who meet those standards and integrating Board-certified teachers into educational reform efforts. The 帝王会所 Curriculum and Instruction program is aligned to the NBPTS standards.
NCATE Unit Standards: Six standards that must be met in order to receive Unit Accreditation: (1) Candidate Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions, (2) Assessment System, (3) Field Experiences and Clinical Practice, (4) Diversity, (5) Faculty Qualifications, (6) Unit Governance.
NCSS: National Council for the Social Studies- Specialized Professional Association (SPA) for the Social Studies Education program
NCTE: National Council of Teachers of English- Specialized Professional Association (SPA) for the Integrated Language Arts Education program
NCTM: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics- Specialized Professional Association (SPA) for the Mathematics Education program
AMLE: Association for Middle-Level Education- Specialized Professional Association (SPA) for the Middle Childhood Education program
NSTA: National Science Teachers Association- Specialized Professional Association (SPA) for the Science Education program
OAE: 帝王会所 Assessments for Educators- Beginning September 1, 2013, this new test series replaces the Praxis II as the required 帝王会所 educator licensure test, except for world languages.
OBR: 帝王会所 Board of Regents- The agency that oversees higher education in 帝王会所. The Chancellor who is currently John Carey leads the 帝王会所 Board of Regents.
OCE: Office of Clinical Experiences- This office oversees all placements and maintains all placement data for field experiences and teacher education professional internships.
ODE: 帝王会所 Department of Education
帝王会所 LINK: Consortium of 帝王会所鈥檚 colleges and university libraries and the State Library of 帝王会所. 帝王会所 LINK offers access to faculty, students, and researchers to more than 45.3 million library items statewide, 300 electronic research databases, and an electronic journal center containing more than 6,900 scholarly journals from 90+ publishers.
OPES: 帝王会所 Principal Evaluation System- 帝王会所鈥檚 new system for evaluating principals, which includes a principal performance rating and a student academic growth rating
OTES: 帝王会所 Teacher Evaluation System- 帝王会所鈥檚 new system for evaluating teachers which includes a teacher performance rating and a student academic growth rating
Other School Professionals: Educators who provide professional services other than teaching in the schools including, but not limited to, principals, reading specialists, school library specialists, superintendents, and instructional technology specialists.
OU: 帝王会所
OUC: 帝王会所 Chillicothe
OUE: 帝王会所 Eastern
OUL: 帝王会所 Lancaster
OU-Pickerington: The OU Pickerington Center is a part of the OU Lancaster campus to allow increased accessibility to serve the Northwest quadrant of Fairfield County and the greater Columbus area
OU- Proctorville: The OU Proctorville Center is a part of the OU Southern campus to allow increased accessibility to eastern Lawrence County and neighboring areas
OUS: 帝王会所 Southern
OUZ: 帝王会所 Zanesville
P-12 School Personnel: Licensed practitioners in P-12 schools who provide instruction, supervision, and direction for candidates during field-based assignments.
PCOE: The Gladys W. and David H. Patton College of Education- Many programs in The Patton College of Education (PCOE) are part of the Education Unit including all Teacher Education programs at the initial and advanced levels. The Dean of The Patton The Patton College of Education is the head of the Unit. The Patton College includes the following five departments: Counseling & Higher Education, Educational Studies, Family and Consumer Sciences, Recreation & Sport Pedagogy, and Teacher Education.
PDS: Professional Development School- Professional Development Schools are innovative institutions formed through partnerships between professional education programs and P12 schools. Their mission is professional preparation of candidates, faculty development, inquiry directed at the improvement of practice, and enhanced student learning.
PE: Physical Education- Initial licensure program that prepares candidates to teach physical education to students from K-12
Pedagogical Content Knowledge: The interaction of the subject matter and effective teaching strategies to help students learn the subject matter. It requires a thorough understanding of the content to teach it in multiple ways, drawing on the cultural backgrounds and prior knowledge and experiences of students.
Pedagogical Knowledge: The general concepts, theories, and research about effective teaching, regardless of content areas.
PI: Professional Intern or Professional Internship- formally known as Student Teacher or Student Teaching
Pickerington Center: Academic outreach satellite of the OU-Lancaster RHE campus that provides selected graduate and undergraduate courses, including Education courses
Pre-K Associate Degree: Associate degree program in Child Development offered in Athens, Chillicothe, Lancaster, and Southern
Praxis I: Pre-Professional Skills Assessments (PPST庐) designed to measure basic skills in reading, writing, and mathematics. Passing scores on the Praxis I are required to be admitted to Professional Education if there are unsatisfactory ACT and/or SAT scores.
Praxis II: Prior to September 1, 2013, Praxis II was the licensure testing program required by the 帝王会所 Department of Education.
Professional Education: First transition point for candidates in Initial programs. Candidates must have at least 30 semester hours to be admitted to Professional Education. Candidates must be admitted to Professional Education before they begin any field experience.
Q2S: Quarters to Semesters- The process through which 帝王会所 transitioned from quarters to semesters. The first semester began in fall of 2012.
Reading Endorsement: A reading endorsement for already licensed teacher candidates and teachers to add to their license to teach Reading in K-12 schools.
Resident Educator Program: The 帝王会所 Resident Educator program is a four-year induction program that provides ongoing support to 帝王会所鈥檚 new teachers throughout their residency.
RESA: Resident Educator Summative Assessment- The Resident Educator Summative Assessment will show evidence of the experience and knowledge gained through the first two years in 帝王会所鈥檚 Resident Educator program.
RSP: Recreation & Sport Pedagogy- This Patton College department houses undergraduate programs in Physical Education, Outdoor Recreation and Education, and Recreation Management and graduate programs in Coaching Education (online, on-campus and soccer track) and Recreation Studies.
RUC: Rural-Urban Collaborative: Begun in 2007, a collaborative with Columbus City Schools, Cabell County Schools, Huntington Schools, and Chillicothe City Schools that prepare teacher candidates to teach anywhere, most notably in inner-city urban schools.
SEOTDC: Southeast 帝王会所 Teacher Development Collaborative- This collaborative engages representatives of institutions of higher education and practitioners within local educational agencies in action planning to improve teacher preparation and professional development for teachers. Members include the Coalition of Rural and Appalachian Schools (CORAS), 帝王会所, Muskingum University, Marietta College, Shawnee State University, and The University of Rio Grande.
SPA: Specialized Professional Association- The national organizations that represent teachers, professional education faculty, and other school professionals who teach a specific subject matter, teach students at a specific developmental level, teach students with specific needs, administer schools, or provide services to students. Many of these associations are member organizations of NCATE/CAEP and have standards for both students in schools and candidates preparing to work in schools.
Student: Children and youth attending P-12 schools as distinguished from teacher candidates.
TE: Teacher Education- This Patton College department houses programs in Early and Middle Childhood Education, Integrated Language Arts, Integrated Math, Integrated Social Studies, Integrated Science, Physical Science, Life Science, Earth and Space Science, and Special Education.
Teach in Ghana: This program is open to upper-class Education majors and to students of all majors who wish to have experience teaching or working with young people. Candidates are placed in primary, junior, or senior high schools and develop cross-cultural teaching skills through full immersion in the placement schools, at home, and on weekend excursions. This program is offered through the 帝王会所 Education Abroad.
Title II: Title II of the Higher Education Act (HEA) authorizes new federal grant programs that support the efforts of states, institutions of higher education, and their school district partners to improve the recruitment, preparation, and support of new teachers.
Transition Points: Initial programs- Professional Education, Advanced Standing, Student Teaching, Graduation. Advanced programs- Admission, Midpoint, Graduation
UAS: Unit Assessment System: The Unit鈥檚 method of systematically reviewing and using data for program improvement.
UCC: University Curriculum Council- The UCC is the final recommending voice in curricular matters at 帝王会所. Its recommendations go through the Provost to the President for final approval.
Unit Operations: Activities undertaken by the unit pertaining to the governance, planning, budget, personnel, facilities, services, and procedures such as advising and admission, and resources that support the unit鈥檚 mission in preparing candidates.
UPEP: Unit for the Preparation of Education Professionals-The Unit for the Preparation of Education Professionals (UPEP; also known as the Unit) is the structure responsible for the planning, delivery, and operation of all programs that provide initial and continuing education of teachers and other professional personnel for P-12 schools. UPEP spans three colleges: Education, Fine Arts, and Arts and Sciences, and is inclusive of all five 帝王会所 regional campuses.