
CC+ Chillicothe Campus Resources

µÛÍõ»áËù Chillicothe is pleased to offer College Credit Plus opportunities. All interested students are encouraged to apply. The admission process for the College Credit Plus (CC+) program on any of µÛÍõ»áËù's regional campuses is modeled on our review process in place for degree-seeking freshman enrollment.

Admission Requirements

Successful applicants to any of µÛÍõ»áËù's regional campuses must be remediation-free and demonstrate a strong academic preparation to succeed in college-level coursework. For details regarding admission guidelines and remediation-free standards/placement testing, please visit:

Admission Guidelines or Placement Testing

For instructions on how to submit the College Credit Plus application and corresponding application deadlines, please visit:

Application Procedures and Deadlines


Newly admitted students to OHIO’s CC+ program will be required to complete an in-person orientation prior to registering for courses. Students will receive orientation information via email. Orientation will provide students with an overview of policy and procedures for OHIO’s CC+ program.

Orientation Dates

DateTimeEntering Semester
Tuesday, November 19, 20245:30 p.m.Spring 2025
Tuesday, December 17, 20245:30 p.m.Spring 2025

Academic Advising

All CC+ advising is done by student services in Bennett Hall room 134. It is the central resource for academic advising on campus.

T: 740.774.7731

Library Services

Chillicothe Campus Library

The Quinn Library in the Stevenson Center is a welcoming space for reading, studying, or working in groups. CC+ students have access to millions of resources through online and on-campus tools. Library employees are available to help CC+ students find what they're looking for, whether it's peer-reviewed journal articles, course reserves or help with research. The library also offers affordable copying and printing, access to computers and study spaces.



  • Use library computers for papers, projects or to access special software
  • Use our printers to print, copy and scan
  • Learn how to print from your personal computer or device

Study Spaces, Testing Center and Tutoring Services

Campus Tutoring Services

µÛÍõ»áËù Chillicothe Student Success Center

The mission of the µÛÍõ»áËù Chillicothe Student Success Center is to create and maintain a welcoming, supportive learning environment for students and to address the immediate needs of students – of all levels of proficiency – through individualized peer-to-peer tutoring. These services are free for all currently enrolled OHIO Chillicothe students.

The Student Success Center promotes student learning through the following programs:

  • Math Center
  • Writing Center
  • Academic Tutoring (by appointment)
    • Walk-in hours:
      • Writing (in person): Monday - Thursday, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
      • Math (in person and ): Monday and Wednesday, 11:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.
    • Face-to-face times are available in the Student Success Center, located in the Stevenson Center. For additional appointments, please contact Debra Nickles (nickles@ohio.edu) or Kimber Lang (langk@ohio.edu).
    • Online peer tutoring is available through The Academic Achievement Center (AAC).

To learn more about student success resources, visit the µÛÍõ»áËù Chillicothe Student Success Center website

Helpful Campus Information

Please note: All links open in a new tab.

Faculty Student Success Presentation videos:


Ashlee Tatman
Director of Student Services
Bennet Hall
101 University Drive
Chillicothe OH 45601