Section 7.9 Supervision Policies
Policy No. 9.01 Supervision Contracts:
Each supervisor providing supervision of a clinician’s clinical work must establish a supervision contract with the supervisee.
- The supervision contract shall specify the rights and responsibilities of both the supervisee and supervisor.
- The supervisor will ensure that there is a signed copy of the supervision contract in the Trainees’ Titanium file
- The supervisor shall retain a copy for their supervision records
Policy No. 9.02 Supervision Documentation:
All clinical supervisors are required to maintain supervision records in accordance with the appropriate µÛÍõ»áËù Revised Code. Additionally, beginning August 1st, 2022, clinical supervision notes will be maintained within Titanium.
- Supervisors are expected to read and sign off on all entries in a client’s file for their supervisee(s) according to the time frame outlined in the Clinical Documentation Guide.
- Supervisors are responsible for creating and locking a supervision note for each of their clinical supervision meetings. Supervisors have the option to: (1) use the pre-populated supervision note template, (2) use the supervision note data Form, or (3) scan handwritten or other note formats as an attachment to the supervision note on Titanium.
- In accordance with the existing policies on the timeliness of documentation, supervision notes must be completed within two business days from the date of the supervision meeting.
- Access to supervision notes is limited to the Training Director, the Assistant Director for Training, and the clinical supervisor.
- Supervision notes of any format completed prior to August 1st, 2022, will be scanned into Titanium, or the supervisor may choose to maintain these records as they have been.
Policy No. 9.03 Evaluation of Interns and Trainees:
Each supervisor is required to conduct formative and summative evaluations in accordance with the appropriate professional ethics, state law, and the supervisee’s academic department.
- The evaluation form that will be used shall be provided to the supervisee by the second supervision session at the beginning of a supervision relationship.
- The supervisor will inform the supervisee to whom the evaluation will be provided.
- CPS staff involved in training will periodically consult during an administrative staff meeting in order to coordinate and inform summative and formative evaluations of trainees and interns.
Policy No. 9.04 Supervisory Assignments:
The ADT and TD shall designate the process by which supervisory assignments will be made.
- Licensed staff members will inform the TD and ADT of their supervisory capacity for the semester/academic year.
- Supervisory assignments may change throughout the year depending on the changing needs/requirements for supervision and CPS staffing.
- Supervisory matches are final for each supervisory period (semester) once announced by the ADT and TD unless a change is deemed necessary or appropriate by the ATD/TD in consultation with the Training Committee.
- Supervisees or supervisors who are dissatisfied with their supervisory assignment may express their concerns to the ADT or TD. If the conflict cannot be resolved, the ADT and TD, in consultation with members of the training committee, will decide the appropriateness of modifying the supervisory assignment. Please refer back to Section 8: Grievances and Due Process Procedures for guidance in managing conflicts or issues that cannot be resolved informally in the supervisory relationship.
Policy No. 9.05 Telesupervision:
Supervisors and supervisees can decide together how/if to utilize telesupervision (synchronous audiovisual supervision), so long as telesupervision adheres to state laws and guidelines. Any changes to µÛÍõ»áËù laws regarding the use of telesupervision will be communicated by the TD and ADT as it would impact this policy.
- For psychology trainees, telesupervision cannot account for more than 50% of the total minimum required supervision at CPS (policy in alignment with OU Clinical Psychology Program’s Telesupervision Policy)
- For doctoral psychology interns, telesupervision cannot account for more than 50% of the total minimum required supervision at CPS (in alignment with the Standards of Accreditation Implementing Regulation C-15)