Sociology Teaching Internships

Learn to Teach Sociology
In recent years, the Sociology graduate program has significantly increased the use of graduate students for teaching lower division introductory level courses. In order to promote high quality teaching by graduate students, the program has enhanced coursework related to teaching sociology.
Teaching Sociology (SOC 6910)
Students who have received a graduate assistantship will often act as teaching assistants during their first year. In the spring semester students also have the opportunity to take Teaching Sociology (SOC 6910), a 3-credit course. In addition to discussions of pedagogy, students also prepare a syllabus and other course materials for a course they might hope to teach in the future. When the course is complete, students may apply for competitively awarded graduate student teaching positions for the second year. If awarded, students will be able to teach a course during the upcoming year.
Teaching Assistants continue to receive guidance during all semesters in which they teach through enrolling in a teaching course (SOC 6300) that provides regular meetings with the graduate director, supervision, and pedagogical discussions for graduate students who have grade-book responsibilities. In keeping with the goals of the Sociology graduate program, the course requirements enable students to develop sociological skills that are highly useful in their pursuit of further graduate training and in employment in the human services and criminal justice system.