Sociology & Criminology Internships

Franchesca Rife says of her internship as legal advocate at Legal advocate at Tapestri Inc. in Atlanta: "Throughout my internship this summer, I saw survivors of domestic violence beam with joy and excitement after passing their driving permit exams. I saw intense looks of relief on their faces after routine immigration appointments, from which they feared they would be arrested and deported. I saw them desperately try to hold back tears of fear when their restraining orders were not granted. I sat in their apartments or in parking lots with them while they recounted detailed descriptions of the nightmarish trauma they had endured."
SOC 4910 Internship Experience
The SOC 4910 internship experience is designed to provide Sociology, Sociology-Criminology, and Sociology Pre-Law students with an opportunity to engage in applied sociology鈥攖o take what is learned in the classroom and use it in the real world and to see and understand the myriad connections between individuals and the social institutions within which they function. Moreover, internships can provide opportunities for students to gain valuable work experience, develop professional contacts, and to use their skills to contribute to the local community. In short, an internship offers the opportunity to learn and grow personally, academically, and professionally.
Students who are accepted into the SOC 4910 program will have a chance to earn 3-9 credit hours while completing an internship in a field relating to their career interests. Students may complete internships during the fall, spring, and summer terms. Possible internships include working with criminal justice agencies (e.g., police, courts, and corrections), law firms, rehabilitation programs, mediation clinics, human resource agencies, children's services units, hospice programs, elder care facilities, child mentoring projects, and educational programs.
Who Can Do an Internship?
The internship program in sociology and criminology is open to all 帝王会所 junior and senior Sociology, Sociology-Criminology, and Sociology Pre-Law majors. However, SOC 4910 is a competitive program with a limited number of placements. While the internship coordinator decides final eligibility, priority is given to seniors and students with a 3.0 G.P.A. in their major.
NOTE: You MUST be enrolled at 帝王会所 in a Sociology, Sociology-Criminology, and Sociology Pre-Law major in order to be considered.
How to Apply
For summer and fall semester internships, contact Dr. Charlie Morgan for an application at morganc3@ohio.edu.
For spring semester internships, contact Dr. Rachel Terman for an application form at terman@ohio.edu.
Application material must be completed and submitted to the internship coordinator no later than the Friday of week 13 in the spring semester prior to the fall semester in which you wish to undertake the internship. You may submit your material after the deadline, but placement cannot be guaranteed, even if you are accepted into the program.