Experimental Ph.D. in Psychology Manual
- Psychology Research Areas
- Psychology Department Contacts for Graduate Students
- Organization of the Experimental Section & Department of Psychology Contacts
- Admissions Committee
- Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology Course Requirements
- Specialization in Cognitive Psychology
- Specialization in Industrial-Organizational Psychology
- Specialization in Experimental Health Psychology
- Specialization in Social Psychology
- Optional Concentration in Applied Quantitative Psychology
- Optional Concentration in Occupational Health Psychology
Policies & Procedures
The policies & procedures page includes the following, unless otherwise linked:
- Advisers
- International Student Enrollment
- Transfer Students
- Financial Aid
- Evaluation of Students
- Dismissal from the Program
- Checkpoints for the Doctoral Program in Experimental Psycholog
- Time Limit for Completion of the M.S. and Ph.D.
- Extension of the Seven-Year Deadline
- Readmission to the Program Following Expiration of the Deadline
- Travel Support
- Research Support
- Major Medical Insurance
- Student Grievance Procedure
- Grade Appeals
- Judicial Committee
- Semester Limits on Tuition Support
Thesis, Dissertation, Exams
- Thesis and Dissertation Committees
- Thesis Proposal and Defense Meetings
- Deadlines for Candidates for the M.S. and Ph.D.
- Final Copies of Theses and Dissertations
- The Comprehensive Examination
- The Scholarly Tool (including foreign language proficiency)
Forms (Appendix)
- Request for Master's Thesis Committee [PDF]
- Approval of Scholarly Tool [PDF]
- Request for Dissertation Committee [PDF]
- Report of the Comprehensive Exam for the Ph.D. [PDF] (CAS #4)
- Dissertation Committee and Faculty Representative Information [PDF] (CAS #5) (Policy)
- Recommendation to Advance Student to Candidacy for Ph.D. [PDF] (CAS #6)
- Arrangements for the Oral Examination on the Dissertation [PDF] (CAS #7)
- Report of the Oral Thesis Examination/Dissertation Defense [PDF](CAS #8)
- Time Extension Request [PDF] (CAS #11)
About the Experimental Ph.D. in Psychology Manual
This manual is designed to help students understand the doctoral program in Experimental Psychology as well as the various areas of specialization that make up this program.
This manual describes the manner in which the experimental faculty is organized, the nature of program requirements, and various policies and procedures that students will need to follow in order to complete the program. This manual is a supplement to, and not a substitute for, the information provided in the Graduate Catalog for programs here at 帝王会所.
Students are expected to know the information presented in these documents and to be responsible for completing the various requirements. Students seeking additional information should contact their adviser, the Assistant Chair for Graduate Studies, or the Director of Experimental Training.
In the Appendix there are several forms that students will need at various times.