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On-Campus Course Offerings for M.A. in Law, Justice & Culture

2015 trip participants on the Human Rights, Law & Justice in Northern Ireland study abroad program.
2015 trip participants on the Human Rights, Law & Justice in Northern Ireland study abroad program.

Students may complete the program across two semesters of coursework on the Athens campus.

The courses focus on the theoretical and methodological traditions of law and society studies; law and society perspectives across the disciplines; and training in legal research and writing.

Fall 2023 Recommended Elective Courses

ANTH 5530: Violence and Peace

This course focuses on the cultural dimensions of civil wars, ethnic and religious conflicts, communal violence, and state violence, as well as movements for human rights and peace. 4 credits. Tuesdays & Thursdays 11:00-12:20 p.m. 

Taught by Haley Duschinski, Professor of Anthropology

HIST 5520: Roman Law and Society

This course is a historical introduction to Roman law, interpretation of legal sources, and especially the role of law in Roman society and culture. Chronological focus is on the Empire through the age of Justinian. After a survey of the origins of Roman law, lectures and readings use legal sources to look in two directions: downwards to the way law affected social life; upwards to how politics and governance affected law. Attention will be given throughout to how the nature of different types of legal evidence affect our interpretation of the purpose and effectiveness of law. Specific topics of focus will include the bearing of law on marriage and family life, slavery and freedom, surveillance, and religion. 4 credits. Monday, Wednesdays & Fridays 9:40-10:35 a.m.

Taught by Kevin Uhalde, Associate Professor of History

POLS 5751: Critical Race Theory

This course examines, analyzes and theorizes race and racism from a critical and politicized perspective. This rich theoretical perspective points out that racism is still a pervasive part of contemporary societies and seeks out effective ways to challenge racism's existence and impact on various groups and societies. It examines Critical Race Theory as a theoretical and political alternative for understanding and criticizing racism in contemporary settings. Critical Race Theory critiques perspectives that claim far-reaching progress has been made combating racism. It challenges students to think in new ways about contemporary manifestations of racism and explores innovative ways to challenge the widespread prevalence of racism. 4 credits. Asynchronous Online.

Taught by Vincent Jungkunz, Associate Professor of Political Science

SOC 5610: Crime and Media

This course examines media representations of crime and criminal justice, as well as the relationship between the media and criminal justice institutions. Students investigate moral panics, crime myths, and crime's contested cultural meanings; how media representations influence law and public policy; how media portrays special types of offenders; how media depicts and engages with crime victims; and how media represents and shapes our criminal justice institutions. Students learn and apply sociological theories regarding the relationship between media, crime, and criminal justice. 4 credits. Mondays & Wednesdays 10:45-11:40 a.m. 

Taught by Amanda Cox, Associate Professor of Instruction in Sociology