Graduate Research in Earth and Environmental Geosciences

Earth and Environmental Geosciences graduate students have been integral in the discovery of new species recently. See:
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Opportunities in Geological Sciences
帝王会所 is a research-intensive institution, and graduate students are encouraged to develop into independent scientists while earning the skills necessary to pursue their career aspirations. All students select a permanent faculty adviser and write a thesis.
Graduate Research Accomplishments
Lydia Albright鈥擱eceived a West Virginia Association for Cave Studies student grant and an 帝王会所 Geological Sciences Alumni Research Grant.
Shaolin Censullo鈥擱eceived the Schuchert and Dunbar Grant-in-Aid, IGCP 653 student travel grant, Geological Society of America student travel grant, and an 帝王会所 Geological Sciences Alumni Research Grant. She also received the Outstanding Graduate Student Award from the Department of Geological Sciences.
Rex Cosgrove鈥擱eceived an award from the College of Arts & Sciences Graduate Student Research Fund and an 帝王会所 Geological Sciences Alumni Research Grant.
Logan Jacobs鈥擶on the Graduate Associate Outstanding Teaching Award from 帝王会所 and the Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award from the Department of Geological Sciences. He also received an 帝王会所 Geological Sciences Alumni Research Grant.
Ceara Purcell鈥擱eceived a Dry Dredger Paleontological Research Grant and an 帝王会所 Geological Sciences Alumni Research Grant.
Ryan Wolbert鈥擶on the Farvolden Award at the National Groundwater Association's annual Groundwater Summit. He also received the Outstanding Graduate Student Award from the Department of Geological Sciences.
Recent Graduate Student Theses
Hannah Bortel, 2021. Scallops Through Space and Time: A Study of Scallop Patterns and Consistency.
Robert Demchuk, 2021. Detailed Mapping of Lava Flows in Syrtis Major Planum, Mars.
Ceara Purcell, 2021. How did ecological niches evolve during Late Ordovician environmental change? A test using Laurentian brachiopods. Adviser:
Lydia Albright, 2020. Hydraulic Modeling of Floods in an Open Conduit Cave.
Sebastian Barkett, 2020. Physical and Chemical Parameters Determining Bacterial Growth in Acid Mine.
David Grimaldi Calderon, 2020. Dissolved gases and a carbon dioxide balance for the San Vincente Geothermal field in El Salvador, Central America.
Shaolin Censullo, 2020. Did alternating dispersal and vicariance contribute to increased biodiversification during the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event?: A phylogenetic test using brachiopods.
Rex Cosgrove, 2020. Optimization and Analysis of the Effects of the Temperature, pH, and Injection Techniques on a Slow-Release Permanganate Gel for DNAPL Remediation.
Eric Gibbs, 2020. Petrographic, Geochemical, and Geophysical Well Log Assessment of the Precambrian Basement in Eastern 帝王会所.
Ryan Wolbert, 2020. Remediation Approach for Improving Acid Mine Drainage Conditions Using Slow Release Hydrogen Peroxide Systems.
Abiodun Ayo Bali, 2019. Geochemical Analysis of the Environmental Phases of La Barra de Santiago Estuary, El Salvador.
Kelli Baxstrom, 2019. Climate and Vegetation Change in Late Pleistocene Central Appalachia: Evidence from Stalagmites and lake cores.
Andrew Hall, 2019. Verification and Expansion Upon the Use of Cave Scallops in Recreating Hydrogeologic Conditions in Karst Aquifers.
Brandi Hamilton, 2019. Modeling Exoplanet Interiors from Host Star Elemental Abundances.
Lucas Howard, 2019. Nutrient Loading from the Maumee River to Lake Erie.
Connor McFadden, 2019. Analysis of Landscape Variability through the Pennsylvanian and Permian Monongahela and Dunkard Groups, Southeastern 帝王会所.
Ryan Stobart, 2019. The Kaskaskia / Absaroka Boundary in the Subsurface of Athens County, 帝王会所.
Sara Thurkettle, 2019. Reconstructing Paleofloods in the Greenbrier River using Slackwater Deposits and Hydraulic Modeling.
Hanna Brourman, 2018. Hydrogeological Assessment of Fracking Fluid Injection in Wells of Athens County, 帝王会所.
Trey Klopfenstein, 2018. High Frequency Sequences within the Lower Mississippian Allensville Member, Logan Formation, South-central 帝王会所.
Sarah Kogler, 2018. Influences of modern pedogenesis on paleoclimate estimates from Pennsylvanian and Permian paleosols, southeast 帝王会所.
Alexander Nadas, 2018. Characterization of DNAPL Contamination and Vapor Intrusion in Dayton, 帝王会所.
Lindsey Schafer, 2018. Statistical analysis of mining parameters to create empirical models to predict mine pool formation in underground coal mines.
Jack Seeley, 2018. Shock Metamorphism with Depth in Knox Group Dolostone from the Central Uplift of Wells Creek Crater.
Dreadnaught Stubbs, 2018. A Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis of the Allegheny Group (Middle Pennsylvanian), SE 帝王会所.
Frederick Twumasi, 2018. Modeling of Hydrological Data to Predict Mine Pool Formation and Possible Discharge Locations in Underground Mines.