
A&S Procedures Following the Death of a Student

Student Affairs will notify the Assistant Dean when we receive information about the death of an A&S student. If the college learns about the death of a student from another source (e.g., informally or through the media), the college would confirm this information with Student Affairs and proceed with the steps below.

The Assistant Dean will send a personal note to the family on behalf of the Dean and the College of A&S.

The Dean/Assistant Dean of Students will serve as liaisons between 帝王会所 and the family. The Assistant Dean will inform the Dean if a call from the Office of the Dean or Chair is recommended. If so, the Dean or Chair will obtain the necessary information and follow through with the telephone call.

If provided timely notification, a senior representative from the Office of the Dean will be present at a campus or local memorial service.

If the student is a senior, the Assistant Dean will request that the Dean consider awarding a posthumous degree.

Last updated: 4/16/03