
A&S Cross-Listed Courses

The University Curriculum Council voted at its Oct. 20, 2015, meeting to accept guidelines for cross-listed courses proposed by the Individual Course Committee.

With regard to the mechanics of cross-listing courses, ICC Chair Hans Kruse offers the following:

We are going to treat (cross-listed courses) as a single entity (one course with multiple "offerings") in SIS.

For existing courses, that might inform your choice as to whether to stop at the "no credit..." step or request cross-listing. If you request cross-listing, you would need to pick the course in the "Lead" department and start a course change. After making adjustments as needed, that course becomes the normative definition of _both_ courses. in OCEAN 1.9 (the current one), you would indicate under discussions and in the change explanation that these changes are to be normative for both courses, and include the consultation with the second department. If approved and published, the "Lead" course remains in SIS, and has the cross-listed course added as an offering. The previous second course entry in SIS will be deactivated.

For a new course, you start one new course form, indicate in the discussion (and maybe in the otherwise unused "Resources" tab?) that this course is also to be known under a second prefix, and document the consultation.

(This process should be streamlined when the new version of OCEAN is available.)