
A&S Annual Faculty Evaluation

As per the Faculty Handbook, all faculty are to be evaluated annually. The A&S form provided may be used or a department specific form.

Faculty Handbook (II.E.1&2):

  1. Annually, departmental chairpersons shall evaluate all members of their faculty with regard to salary. Each chairperson shall employ a departmental committee or committees in the evaluation process, which shall conform to the department's established written procedures. Any changes to the department's established written procedures, evaluation process or criteria will take effect at the beginning of the next evaluation period. This evaluation process must result in recommendations with respect to salary increases for all faculty.
  2. To ensure proper recognition of faculty with a singular home Department/School who engage in interdisciplinary activities the home Department/School P & T Committee should ensure that the Department/School P & T guidelines and peer evaluation policies explicitly clarify how interdisciplinary activities (teaching, research/creative activities and/or service) will be evaluated and to what extent such activities will be included in all annual evaluations and promotion and tenure decisions.