
Courses and Resources in African American Studies

Please consult the Registrar's website for up-to-date days, times, and locations of these and other African American Studies courses.

Important Links Useful for African American Studies Research


, among the nation's most distinguished African American studies institutes, begun during the Harlem Renaissance.

: enormous number of materials, from black contributions to military intelligence during the Civil War to the photographs of James VanDerZee.

, Yale University: a national treasure of Black Diaspora culture, including a wonderful exhibition on "Langston Hughes at 100."

": on-line, PDF downloadable FBI files secretly kept on the NAACP, Nation of Islam, COINTELPRO (including the Black Panthers), Claudia Jones, Coretta Scott and Martin Luther King, Duke Ellington, Langston Hughes, Malcolm X (Malcolm Little), Paul Robeson, Richard Wright, and W.E.B. Du Bois.