Professional Development

Alumni Experience Day
This laid-back and fun event welcomes our Sales Centre alumni back to beautiful Athens to give our current candidates career advice and answer questions. Alumni donate their time for love of the program, because they have experienced first-hand how beneficial the Schey was to them.
Career Development Workshop
The Career Development Workshop gives our candidates an opportunity to ask questions of current sales professionals. Speakers detail everything from how to work a room, to asking great questions in an interview.
Communication Competency Workshops
These workshops are aimed at helping improve candidates' abilities to effectively communicate professionally. Our candidates are taught a variety of different communication techniques to better position themselves to be successful in any setting. They are also are made aware of how they are conveying themselves and how to better interact in a professional setting.
StrengthsFinders and Chally Assessments
The Schey provides not only MBTI but the StrengthsFinders and Chally assessments to all candidates. These assessments let our candidates know themselves and actually understand what their strengths and preferences mean in a professional setting. This allows our graduates to seek out the best fitting job for them.