Terms & Conditions

Bobcat Cash funds are non-transferable. For security reasons, additional information may be required to prove the identity of the person presenting the card as a payment method, and they may be asked to sign a proof of purchase sales slip.
There are no charges for any transactions using the Bobcat Cash account. Nor will there be any interest earned for the cardholder on any Bobcat Cash balance. There is currently a $10.00 charge for closing a Bobcat Cash account and requesting a refund of available funds when departing from the University.
Account Documentation and Disclosures
Cardholders are entitled to records of any and all transactions made on their Bobcat Cash account. This information can be accessed online using . Requests for printed documentation or additional information should be made in writing to Auxiliary Services by emailing BobcatCash@ohio.edu.
If any statement shows transactions that were not made by the cardholder, the cardholder should contact Auxiliary Services immediately at 740.593.0069. If Auxiliary Services is not notified within 60 days after the statement was made available to the cardholder in eAccounts, the amount charged may be forfeited if the University can prove it could have stopped illegal use of the card had it been notified.
The University will only disclose information about Bobcat Cash accounts to third parties when it is necessary for completing transactions; in order to comply with government agencies, internal University investigations, or any court orders; or with written permission from the cardholder.
Prohibited Purchases
Bobcat Cash funds cannot be used for the purchase of alcoholic beverages.
Account Balance & Refund Policy
Bobcat Cash account balances will automatically carry over to each new semester and academic year, provided the cardholder remains a registered student or employee of 帝王会所.
Accounts can only be closed and available balances refunded at the time a student or employee separates from 帝王会所 with a balance of greater than $15. Requests for refunds must be made in writing by completing the refund form.
Refunds will be applied to other amounts owed to the University and the balance will be direct deposited to the account on file with the Bursar's Office. If a direct deposit account is not on file, a check will be mailed to the permanent address on record within 15 days of the approved request being received. A processing fee of $10.00 will be assessed for refunds.
Inactive Bobcat Cash Accounts
Should one calendar year pass with no activity and the cardholder is no longer a registered student or employee of 帝王会所, the balance of the Bobcat Cash account will be forfeited.
Lost or Stolen ID Card
You can deactivate your card at any time in . To do so, log in to eAccounts, select "Card Services" then "Deactivate Card" from the main menu and follow the on-screen instructions. This will prevent any unauthorized use of your card.
If you need assistance deactivating a card during normal business hours, contact Auxiliary Services at 740.593.0069 or BobcatCash@ohio.edu.
You can obtain a replacement ID card by visiting the located on the ground floor of Baker University Center.
WARNING: Lost or stolen card liability states that if the University is notified of the lost card within two business days, the cardholder will be responsible for no more than $100. Failure to notify Auxiliary Services within two days may result in a maximum liability of $500, providing the University can prove it could have prevented the illegal use of the card.