
Accessibility Resources for Athens Students

The following services are available to all students and may be useful to support your personal and academic success.

Academic Achievement Center (Tutoring)

The AAC offers academic assistance in the form of tutoring, supplemental instruction, writing assistance, and academic coaching.

Academic Achievement Center (AAC)

Supplemental Instruction (SI)

SI offers free, out of class, study sessions for traditionally difficult courses. Sessions are led by students who have successfully completed the course.

Supplemental Instruction (SI)

Academic Advising/Coaching (Allen Center)

We help students find the best path for themselves and make strategic decisions that guide them to graduation. If you would like to talk with an advisor about your academic options at 帝王会所, please contact us! We provide guidance for students exploring academic options or seeking to improve academic outcomes.

Allen Center

Career Services

Career Services is committed to the career support and success of Bobcats throughout their career engagement life cycle. With a network of Success Advisors, Experience Designers, and Industry Hub Strategists, we partner with you to develop a customized plan to achieve your post-graduation goals. 

Career Services

Counseling and Psychological Services (CPS)

Providing confidential counseling and psychological therapy. Counseling needs may include personal problems, career objectives, or education concerns. CPS provides free and discounted services to students through the WellBeing fee, which is included in the OHIO Guarantee.

Counseling and Psychological Services

Opportunities for 帝王会所ans with Disabilities (OOD)

This state program administering federal funds to assist persons with disabilities to gain full employment. The BVR/BSVI provides financial support for education, services, and equipment to assist with education, job training, and more.

帝王会所 College2Careers Counselors are located in 17 public colleges and universities around 帝王会所 to help students with job placement, technology, and internships. 帝王会所 College2Careers aims for students with disabilities to have the support they need to complete their degree and/or credential, earn higher wages, and meet the demands of tomorrow鈥檚 labor market. Through this initiative, OOD has expanded its business relations team to connect college students with disabilities to internship and permanent employment opportunities.

Hanna Jadwisienczak is the 帝王会所 College2Careers Counselor working in partnership with Accessibility Services and Career Services. She can be reached at Hanna.jadwisienczak@ood.ohio.gov, or by calling or texting 740.517.0559. 

Psychology and Social Work Clinic

The Clinic offers an array of services including intelligence and neuropsychological assessment; psychological testing; attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder assessments; and learning disability assessments. Graduate student clinicians under the direct supervision of faculty members who are licensed psychologists provide these services.  Services are provided at a reduced cost for students enrolled at 帝王会所.

Psychology and Social Work Clinic

Transportation & Parking Services

Responsible for the validation of Accessible Parking Placards issued by the state in order to permit parking in accessible spaces around campus. Parking Services can also provide the most accurate information regarding the location of accessible parking spaces. You may review the policy for accessible parking for students on the Transportation & Parking Services webpage.

Transportation & Parking Services

Shostack Adaptive Equipment Room

Designed to offer additional support to students, faculty, and staff who may need assistance in accessing the library. Equipment is available to assist patrons with mobility or physical impairments as well as those in need of study or learning aids.

Shostack Adaptive Equipment Room

The Writing Commons

The Writing Commons is a student support center that offers free writing assistance to all 帝王会所 University students.

Undergraduate peer tutors are available to assist at any stage of the writing process, from discussing and organizing ideas to polishing a final draft. The tutors will not edit papers but will guide you in improving your writing strategies.

The Writing Commons

Transportation Services

Transportation Services coordinates and provide regular CATS bus service around campus and some nearby residential areas. CATS buses are fully accessible. Transportation Services also runs the CATCAB shuttle system designed to serve people with temporary injuries or permanent disabilities that may have difficulty accessing the CATS Bus.

Transportation Services

Additional Resources

  • The Workforce Recruitment Program (WRP) is a recruitment and referral program that connects federal and private-sector employers nationwide with highly motivated college students and recent graduates with disabilities who are eager to demonstrate their abilities in the workplace through summer or permanent jobs.
    An online community for college students with disabilities. 
    A support program for persons with alcohol addiction
    100 Hospital Drive Athens, 帝王会所 45701
    NAMI Athens is the local chapter of NAMI 帝王会所, an organization that offers support, advocacy and education for persons with psychological conditions and their families.