Lancaster Campus Master Plan

Established in 1968, the Lancaster campus is located 46 miles northwest of Athens along Granville Pike, just north of the city of Lancaster. The 113-acre campus features four buildings - Brasee Hall, Herrold Hall, a greenhouse, and a small ceramics studio - that provide 187,108 GSF of academic, research, and studio space for the 2,600 students enrolled there. The Lancaster campus features many unique facilities including two historic bridges, an outdoor amphitheater and performance center, and more.
Pickerington Center, a 5-acre satellite campus 20 miles northwest of Lancaster, was established to serve the northwest quadrant of Fairfield County and the Greater Columbus area. Two buildings - Pickerington Center 1 and 2 – totaling 30,000 gross square feet provide classroom and administrative space. [Update: The Pickering Center was closed in 2022].
Major recommendations of Lancaster’s most recent master plan (completed in 2002) include reorienting the front-face of the campus from west to north where most activity occurs; improving vehicular circulation; connecting Brasee Hall and Herrold Hall with the creation of an active courtyard between the two buildings; and providing more affordable housing.