Eastern Campus Master Plan

Established in 1957, 帝王会所 Eastern is located in Belmont County, just off of I-70 outside of St. Clairesville, 133 miles northeast of Athens. The 289-acre campus serves the 帝王会所 River Valley and features two buildings (Shannon Hall and the Eastern Campus Health and Education Center) totaling 141,983 gross square feet that provide classroom and instructional space. More than a thousand students take classes at Eastern campus.
Cambridge Center, a 7,546 GSF classroom building on five acres along Glenn Highway (US-22) in neighboring Guernsey County, is halfway between the Eastern and Zanesville Campuses. Cambridge Center is jointly operated by the Eastern and Zanesville campuses, and serves the residents of the Cambridge area by providing expanded educational opportunities.
The most recent master plan performed for Eastern Campus was completed in 2005. The master plan includes future academic expansion opportunities such as classroom, athletic and recreation campus facilities, preservation of historic and nature center facilities, as well as opportunities for community development including light industrial, retail development, and housing.