Bill Hauschild

Assigned to OHIO Army ROTC: August 2021
Branch: Field Artillery
Official Biography
LTC (R) Bill Hauschild is a native of Bridgewater, NJ and was commissioned through the United States Military Academy at West Point in 1990 as a Field Artillery Officer.
His civilian and military education includes: a bachelor’s degree in leadership management (USMA, 1990), a Master’s Degree in Kinesiology (Indiana University, 1999), Field Artillery Officer Basic Course, Field Artillery Advance Course, Command & General Staff College, Airborne School, Air Assault School, Ranger School, Jungle Warfare School, Joint Firepower Controller Course, and Combat Lifesaver Course.
Mr. Hauschild’s assignments include Company Fire Support Officer (FSO), Battery Fire Direction Officer, and Battery Executive Officer 3/320th Field Artillery (FA), 101st Airborne Division, Fort Campbell, Kentucky and Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm; Battalion FSO 1-37 Armor and Brigade FSO 3rd Brigade 1st Infantry Division, Vilseck Germany; Assistant Battalion S-3 and Battery Commander 3-6 FA, Bamberg Germany and Peace Keeping in Bosnia-Herzegovina; Associate Professor Department of Physical Education, West Point, NY; Brigade FSO and Battalion S-3 1/6 FA, 10th Mountain Division, Fort Drum, NY, Operation Enduring Freedom Afghanistan, and Operation Iraqi Freedom, Baghdad Iraq; Professor of Military Science µÛÍõ»áËù Army ROTC, Athens OH.
His awards and decorations include: the Legion of Merit, Bronze Star Medal (1 Oak Leaf Clusters), Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal (2 OLC), Army Commendation Medal (2 OLC), Army Achievement Medal (1 OLC), National Defense Service Medal, Afghanistan Campaign Medal, Iraqi Campaign Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service and Expeditionary Medals, Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon, NATO Medal, Joint Meritorious Unit Award, Valorous Unit Award, Parachutist Badge, Air Assault Badge, and Ranger Tab. His foreign award is the German Armed Forces Proficiency Badge – Gold.
Mr. Hauschild is married with three children.
Military Education
Ranger School
Airborne School
Air Assault School
Master Fitness Trainer Course
Jungle Warfare School
Joint Firepower Controller Course
Unit Movement Officer Course
Combat Life Saver
Field Artillery Officer Basic Course
Field Artillery Advanced Course
Combined Armed Service and Staff School
Command and General Staff College
Civilian Education
Bachelor of Science - Leadership Management – United States Military Academy – 1990
Master of Science – Kinesiology - Indiana University – 1999
Awards and Decorations
Ranger Tab
Basic Parachutist (Airborne) Badge
Air Assault Badge
German Armed Forces Badge of Proficiency - Gold
Legion of Merit
Bronze Star Medal (x2)
Meritorious Service Medal (x2)
Army Commendation Medal
Army Achievement Medal (x4)
Meritorious Unit Commendation
National Defense Service Medal (x2)
Army Service Ribbon
Overseas Service Ribbon (x3)
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