
PDF Remediation

What is Portable Document Format (PDF) Remediation?

To remediate a PDF is to make it accessible and ADA-compliant--the goal being that ALL individuals, regardless of any perceived disability, have an equal opportunity to access web content and obtain the same user experience.

Should you use a PDF?

PDF is great for distributing documents that need to be printed. But according to usability expert Jakob Nielsen, that's all it's good for. He states, "No matter how tempting it might be, you should never use PDF for content that you expect users to read online. In fact, forcing users to browse PDF documents makes your website's usability about 300% worse relative to HTML pages." Thus, we always encourage people to eliminate the need for PDF as much as possible.

For those who are unaware, PDF files are not typically created in Acrobat. They are usually created in another program and then converted to PDF. 

Watch these videos Microsoft has for people who want to  in general. By combining good practices when creating source documents and then converting them to PDF, it should make those documents easier (and therefore less expensive) to remediate using professional services.

  • For Microsoft documents use the .
  • For PDFs, use Adobe Acrobat accessibility tools, described in this .
  • Finally, you can check PDF accessibility most accurately using  (only for Windows, unfortunately).

Alternatives to PDFs

  • Use HTML (i.e., web page) to render the information.
    This is frequently the simplest option and also the most desirable. This method is not only more accessible to people using screen readers, it is also more user-friendly for people accessing the information on a phone or other mobile device; in short, it is optimal for everyone.
  • If a form, convert the information to an online form using Drupal forms or Qualtrics.

If you must post a PDF online, the document must be accessible OR the same information rendered in HTML must accompany it.

  • Digital Accessibility

    Documents linked from ohio.edu must comply with Document Accessibility Guidelines posted by Office of Information Technology. You can also learn more about universal digital accessibility guidelines for web pages.

  • Need Advice?

    Schedule a web consultation if you want to discuss options for your online documents. Making them into HTML pages saves time in the long run and is the most accessible option.

    Send a Microsoft Teams meeting request to sminton@ohio.edu. Or you can send an email with details about your request and a page URL if applicable.

  • Get your PDF Remediated

    Appligent is the vendor we use for remediations. They are quick and fair. You can request a quote before they do any work.

    When your document is ready to be remediated, use the PDF Remediation Request to ask for a quote or remediation of your PDF.

    Remember that costs for remediations are paid by the requesting department.