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Envision Access Conference
Supporting Students with Disabilities in the Tri-State

Envision Access Conference


The Virtual Envision Access Conference is an opportunity for members of the Tri-State to increase awareness and understanding of trends in addressing the needs of students with disabilities. 

are currently being accepted for the 2025 Virtual Envision Access Conference, taking place Friday, March 7, 2025.

Call for Proposals for the 2025 Envision Access Conference

Who Should Submit a Proposal

We are calling for all education, social work, social service agencies, state and local government, judiciary, health care, and business and industry practitioners to submit proposals sharing experiences and best practices through thought-provoking presentations, interactive demonstrations, and engaging conversations.

Length of Presentation

All sessions should be designed to be 60 minutes in length and provide time for a question and answer period.


Conference participants include students, faculty/teachers, employers/employees, educators, and entry to senior-level professionals from across the spectrum of organizations and institutions. Presentations should have a wide appeal.

Presentation Scope

Presentations should be interactive, engaging, and relevant to the learning outcomes of this conference. If presentation focus is more appropriate for corporate, social agency, and/or secondary and higher education, it should be clearly identified as such.

Proposal Criteria 

Proposals should supplement and enhance the conference with topics that address equal access and opportunity for individuals with disabilities in all aspects of secondary, post-secondary education, and employment.

The Planning Committee welcomes proposals related to any dimension of barriers to access for individuals with disabilities including, but not limited to:
  • Defining multiple areas of disability, the impacts for students and strategies for ensuring access. 
  • Building inclusive communities via strategies that contribute opportunities for partnering and consulting with stakeholders: faculty, administrators, student affairs offices, facilities, employers, and families. 
  • New ideas, practices, strategies, and innovation designed to promote engagement and collaboration within the school and/or campus environment to create a truly equal student experience.  
  • Assistive technology (AT) in use: present best practices, policies, and procedures for supporting students with AT; AT for use with targeted populations (mental health, LD, physical disabilities); present any new and/or innovative assistive technology developments; AT that students may use to increase self-reliance and ownership, i.e. notetaking, text-to-speech, and computer access; present possible free and low-cost AT solutions, etc.

Proposals may be papers, presentations, workshops, performances, or other creative modes of promoting the education and equal access opportunities for individuals with disabilities. 

Proposals may be submitted by individuals or groups of students, faculty, staff and community members. 

Be complete (Typed and limited to 500 words); include the following sections: Title, Target Audience, Session Synopsis/Abstract, Objectives/Outcome, Method of Presentation {i.e. discussion, power point, activity, etc.} and Equipment Needs. 

Include the following information: 

Presenter(s) name, jobs title, institution/organizational affiliation, complete mailing address, telephone number, e-mail address, and biographical information (limit biographical information to 300 words).

Presenters are responsible for providing all handouts.

Please note: All uploaded submissions must be in a PDF format.

  • Conference Expectations and Goals

    • Create a networking event that helps to foster working relationships between guidance counselors, interventions specialists, and higher education accessibility/disability services administrators 
    • Accessing and embracing the use of technology. 
    • Learn best practices related to students with disabilities.
    • Develop community connections to increase educational attainment for students with disabilities. 
  • Who Should Attend

    • Guidance counselors, Intervention specialists and Enrollment services 
    • Parents of students with disabilities 
    • Educators and Administrators 
    • Higher Education Professionals 
    • Human Resource Professionals 
    • Community Leaders, Business Owners and Non-Profit Executives
    • Health Care & Social Services Professionals 
    • Hospitality 
    • Students (Secondary & Post-Secondary) 
    • Government