ࡱ> VXU bjbj 4Vrr 00000DDD8|Db.www$Bt0wwwww00wF00w%/_F20b,0wwwwwww/wwwbwwwwwwwwwwwww : SCRIPPS COLLEGE OF COMMUNICATION EVALUATION BY THE DEANS OUTSIDE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE DISSERTATION PROCESS Please return form to the Associate Dean for Graduate Studies, College of Communication, Schoonover Center 121, immediately after the exam. Name PID #  School of Major Code  Please indicate, on the following scale, your impressions of the entire dissertation process (from proposal to final oral examination) for this candidate.1 = unacceptable2 = below average3 = average4 = above average5 = outstanding1. The candidates research problem.123452.The soundness of the candidates research approach and application of research techniques.123453.The organization and style of the material in the dissertation.123454.The candidates defense of the proposal.123455.The candidates defense of the dissertation.123456.The level of difficulty of the oral exam.123457.The propriety of the oral exam.123458.Your general impression of the candidates competence.123459.Did you have adequate opportunity to review chapters as the dissertation was prepared?YesNo10.How far in advance of the exam did you receive the dissertation for review?11.Do you have any comments on the conduct of the examination? Comments may include references to time allocation, voting procedures, objectivity of participants, and so on.12.How much did you participate in the entire dissertation process? What were the attitudes of the candidate and other committee members toward you during this process? How could you have improved your role in the process? Print/Type Name and Dept. of RepresentativeDeans Outside Representative Signature Date     Revised July 2014   !PQlmn޻papaRaRapA hvDh |CJOJQJ^JaJhUj6CJOJQJ^JaJhB6CJOJQJ^JaJ#huWh6CJOJQJ^JaJ&hBh5>*CJOJQJ^JaJ h5>*CJOJQJ^JaJ&hh |5>*CJOJQJ^JaJ&hh5>*CJOJQJ^JaJh>85CJOJQJ^JaJ#h |h |5CJOJQJ^JaJh:5CJOJQJ^JaJ!Qmn   $If$>]>`a$gdB$>]>`a$gdl$a$gd |  ( )   J K prﭜޜ|x|x|x|xj\hUjCJOJQJ^JaJhlCJOJQJ^JaJh|&jh|&U hWh | hWd9huWCJOJQJ^JaJ hWd9hLzCJOJQJ^JaJ hWd9hNCJOJQJ^JaJ#hWd9h5CJOJQJ^JaJhBCJOJQJ^JaJ hWd9h81_CJOJQJ^JaJ hWd9hCJOJQJ^JaJ     % & ' lfffffff$Ifkd$$Ifl\l$ao<  t&44 laPp(ytWd9' ( ) lff$Ifkd$$Ifl\l$ao<  t&44 laPp(ytWd9   cJkd$$IflY$& t&44 laPp ytWd9$IfJkd|$$Ifl$& t&44 laPp ytWd9   TN$Ifkd0$$Iflr [$2 t&44 laPp2ytWd9   A C E G I K $P$Ifa$gdWd9 P$IfgdWd9Jkd$$Ifl$& t&44 laPp ytWd9K L O $Pd$If\$gdWd9kdD$$Ifl֞4l<!$)88 t&44 laPpFytWd9O $Pd$If\$a$gdWd9Pd$If\$gdWd9 $Pd$If\$gdWd9kd $$Ifl֞4l<!$)88 t&44 laPpFytWd9  $Pd$If\$a$gdWd9Pd$If\$gdWd9   $Pd$If\$gdWd9kd$$Ifl֞4l<!$)88 t&44 laPpFytWd9 / 1 3 5 7 9 $Pd$If\$a$gdWd9Pd$If\$gdWd99 : = $Pd$If\$gdWd9kd$$Ifl֞4l<!$)88 t&44 laPpFytWd9= j l n p r t $Pd$If\$a$gdWd9Pd$If\$gdWd9t u x $ P$IfgdWd9kd$$Ifl֞4l<!$)88 t&44 laPpFytWd9x $P$Ifa$gdWd9 P$IfgdWd9 $ P$IfgdWd9kd$$Ifl֞4l<!$)88 t&44 laPpFytWd9 $P$Ifa$gdWd9 P$IfgdWd9 $ P$IfgdWd9kdl$$Ifl֞4l<!$)88 t&44 laPpFytWd9       $P$Ifa$gdWd9 P$IfgdWd9 # $ P$IfgdWd9kdH $$Ifl֞4l<!$)88 t&44 laPpFytWd9# z {  P$IfgdWd9 <111 P$IfgdWd9kd$ $$IflֈlX $)P t&44 laPp<ytWd9 yy P$IfgdWd9zkd $$IflF$) t&    44 laPpytWd9 3bkd( $$IflM0$$ t&44 laPpytWd9$Ifbkd $$Ifl0$$ t&44 laPpytWd9 3bkd( $$Ifl0$$ t&44 laPpytWd9bkd $$IflU0$$ t&44 laPpytWd9$If qrstbkd $$Ifl0$$ t&44 laPpytWd9$Iftuvwxy3bkd$$Ifl^0$$ t&44 laPpytWd9$Ifbkd$$Ifl20$$ t&44 laPpytWd9yz{|}~$IfJkd$$Ifl$& t&44 laPp ytWd9~xrx$If $$Ifa$gdWd9zkd$$IflF$ t&    44 laPpytWd9~~~~$IfzkdR$$IflpF$ t&    44 laPpytWd9}}}}}}}}{}}gdBzkd$$IflFh $  t&    44 laPpytWd9 hWh |h|&hoYS hWhoYSCJOJQJ^JaJ21h:p6/ =!"#$% $$IfP!vh#v#va#vo#v< :V l t&55a5o5< / / aPp(ytWd9$$IfP!vh#v#va#vo#v< :V l t&55a5o5< / / aPp(ytWd9X$$IfP!vh#v&:V l t&5&aPp ytWd9X$$IfP!vh#v&:V lY t&5&aPp ytWd9$$IfP!vh#v2#v#v#v#v:V l t&525555aPp2ytWd9X$$IfP!vh#v&:V l t&5&aPp ytWd9$$IfP!vh#v#v)#v8#v#v#v:V l t&55)58555aPpFytWd9$$IfP!vh#v#v)#v8#v#v#v:V l t&55)58555aPpFytWd9$$IfP!vh#v#v)#v8#v#v#v:V l t&55)58555aPpFytWd9$$IfP!vh#v#v)#v8#v#v#v:V l t&55)58555aPpFytWd9$$IfP!vh#v#v)#v8#v#v#v:V l t&55)58555aPpFytWd9$$IfP!vh#v#v)#v8#v#v#v:V l t&55)58555aPpFytWd9$$IfP!vh#v#v)#v8#v#v#v:V l t&55)58555aPpFytWd9$$IfP!vh#v#v)#v8#v#v#v:V l t&55)58555aPpFytWd9$$IfP!vh#v#v)#v#v#v#vP:V l t&,,55)5555P/ / aPp<ytWd9$$IfP!vh#v#v)#v:V l t&55)5/ aPpytWd9p$$IfP!vh#v#v$:V l t&55$aPpytWd9~$$IfP!vh#v#v$:V lM t&55$/ aPpytWd9~$$IfP!vh#v#v$:V lU t&55$/ aPpytWd9~$$IfP!vh#v#v$:V l t&55$/ aPpytWd9p$$IfP!vh#v#v$:V l t&55$aPpytWd9~$$IfP!vh#v#v$:V l2 t&55$/ aPpytWd9~$$IfP!vh#v#v$:V l^ t&55$/ aPpytWd9f$$IfP!vh#v&:V l t&5&/ aPp ytWd9$$IfP!vh#v#v#v:V l t&555/ / /  / / aPpytWd9$$IfP!vh#v#v#v:V lp t&555/ / / aPpytWd9$$IfP!vh#v#v #v:V l t&55 5/ /  / / /  / aPpytWd9^ 2 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~_HmH nH sH tH @`@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA D Default Paragraph FontRi@R  Table Normal4 l4a (k (No List 44 |Header  !4 @4 |Footer  !H@H d/~ Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJj#j W Table Grid7:V06U`16 *2X Hyperlink >*B*phPK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭V$ !)O^rC$y@/yH*񄴽)޵߻UDb`}"qۋJחX^)I`nEp)liV[]1M<OP6r=zgbIguSebORD۫qu gZo~ٺlAplxpT0+[}`jzAV2Fi@qv֬5\|ʜ̭NleXdsjcs7f W+Ն7`g ȘJj|h(KD- dXiJ؇(x$( :;˹! 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