Completing Proposal or Award Review Tasks in Sponsored Projects (SP)
Completing Proposal or Award Review Tasks in Sponsored Projects (SP)
Once a proposal or award is submitted, OHIO's pre-configured routing chain begins, triggering the creation of system-generated Ad-Hoc tasks for reviewers on the routing chain.
Viewing an Assigned Review Task
Review tasks can be viewed and completed in the following ways:
- Review Task notification email
- My Tasks slideout when logged in to SP
- My Tasks lists on the Cayuse Platform landing page
Understanding Review Task Notification Emails
Each user in the routing chain will automatically receive a system-generated Ad Hoc task email from Cayuse indicating when a task for review has been assigned and is ready for completion.
If you are included on a routing chain, please add this email address to your contacts to ensure emails are received: do-not-reply@apps.cayuse.com
Notification emails include the following details:

- Proposal or award name
- Project name
- Explanation of the required task
- A direct link that takes you to the proposal or award requiring review
Opening and Completing Tasks from Email Notifications
- Click the link provided in the notification email (see #4 above) to be automatically directed to the proposal or award requiring review.
- Click on and review each Proposal or Award Section displaying a red exclamation point or red number icon (see below to learn more about (). Once all fields are complete, the section will display a green checkmark, indicating review for that section is complete.

- Once each section has been reviewed and displays a green checkmark, click the Complete Review button.

Your task is now complete and the routing chain will continue routing accordingly.
Opening and Completing Tasks from the My Tasks Slide-Out
- From the platform landing page, click Products, then click Sponsored Projects.

- Click the My Tasks slide-out located on the side of the page.

- Click on the task you'd like to open and complete.

- Click on and review each Proposal or Award Section displaying a red exclamation point or red number icon (see below to learn more about). Once all fields are complete, the section will display a green checkmark, indicating review for that section is complete.

- Once each section has been reviewed and displays a green checkmark, click the Complete Review button.

Your task is now complete and the routing chain will continue on accordingly.
Understanding Form Icons
It is important to understand the three different form icons, as they can change for different reasons, as shown below.
Green Checkmark
- What this means: All required fields within that section are complete.
- Action required: No further action is required.
Red Exclamation Point
- What this means: Either a change has been made to the content, or the original content has never been viewed. All required fields are populated.
Visual Definition Chart