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FAQ for COVID-19 Positive, On-Campus Residential Athens Students

For students who reside on the Athens campus in congregate housing and test positive for COVID-19, the recommendation is that they are encouraged to return home to isolate but may isolate in their residence hall room.


I live on campus, am I able to remain on campus during my five-day isolation period?

Although we strongly encourage students to return home to their permanent address to isolate, we recognize that this may not be possible. Therefore, students who test positive may remain on campus in their residence hall room to isolate.

If I remain on campus, will I be relocated to a temporary room for isolation?

No, students will remain in their currently assigned room during the five-day isolation period.

I reside in a double, triple or quad. Am I able to remain in my room and isolate with my current roommates?

Yes, unfortunately once a student has been diagnosed with a positive COVID-19 test, roommates would have already been exposed. We would encourage everyone residing in the space to keep distance, wear a mask and continue to practice good personal hygiene.

What are the expectations during my isolation period?
  • Isolate in currently assigned room for five days. If in a multi-occupancy room, wear a mask when roommates are present.
  • Students should only leave room for essential needs (meals, bathroom).
  • With any illness (common cold, flu, COVID-19) in which a student does not feel well, we encourage students to work directly with faculty to make up missed coursework.
  • After five days of isolation, continue to wear a mask for five additional days.
    • Starting on day six, once a student takes two consecutive tests within a 48-hour window with a negative test result, they can discontinue wearing a mask.
Am I able to go to the dining hall and grab a meal?
  • Students who are well and able can visit the dining hall and grab a takeout meal. Students should distance from others, continue to wear a mask and practice good personal hygiene
  • If a student does not feel well and is unable to visit the dining hall, we encourage them to identify a friend who can pick up a meal. Options include the following:
    • Order a sick meal to be picked up by a friend.
    • Provide your OHIO ID to a friend who can pick up a takeout meal in a reusable green container.
  •  If a student is unable to grab a meal, or have a friend grab a meal for them, they can reach out to their in-hall staff for more options.
Am I able to attend extracurricular activities?

No, any student who tests positive for COVID-19 should not attend any extracurricular activities during the five-day isolation period. 

I reside with someone who tested positive for COVID-19, should I or my roommate be relocated to temporary housing?
  • No, by the time your roommate tests positive, you have already been exposed to COVID-19. Although isolation is not required for roommates who have been exposed, we encourage roommates to wear a mask for five days. 
  • Any roommate who begins to demonstrate symptoms should test. With any positive COVID-19 tests they should begin five days of isolation and continue to wear a mask for the following five days.
  • Any roommate who does not feel comfortable staying in the space is encouraged to find a friend to stay with during the isolation period.