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44.104: Hazardous Materials Management




November 2, 2009

Initiated by:

Joe Adams | Director of Environmental Health and Safety

Endorsed by:

Pam Benoit | Executive Vice President and Provost

Approved by:

Roderick J. McDavis | President

Signatures and dates on archival copy
  1. Overview

    The purposes of this policy are:

    1. To protect people and the environment from the negative impacts of hazardous materials by identifying appropriate procedures for handling, storing, and disposing of hazardous materials;
    2. To ensure that 帝王会所 university complies with all federal, state, and local regulations regarding hazardous materials, hazardous waste, biohazards materials, and spill response;
    3. To delineate areas of responsibility.

    帝王会所 university will obtain, handle, store, and dispose of hazardous materials in a manner that protects people and the environment and complies with applicable regulations. Owners and users of hazardous materials will handle those materials in a manner consistent with this requirement and following all procedures referenced in this document.

  2. Definitions

    Hazardous waste is generally a non-radioactive chemical substance that is no longer wanted. See the following discussion and, for a detailed regulatory definition, the "Hazardous Materials Management Manual."

    1. Hazardous materials

      Hazardous materials are any chemical or material that poses a significant risk to the health and safety of people, the environment, or facilities. This includes licensed radioactive materials, biohazard agents, hazardous chemicals and any material regulated as hazardous under CERCLA 42 USC 9601 (14) or USDOT 49 CFR 172.101.

      The hazard may arise from exposure by one or more routes, including skin contact, inhalation, or ingestion, or in the case of radioactive materials even by time spent in proximity, without direct physical contact. In addition to splashing and flowing, liquids may also disperse through the air as vapors or aerosols, and dusts or powders may disperse through the air as well.

    2. Hazardous chemicals

      Hazardous chemicals are chemicals for which there is statistically significant evidence based on at least one study conducted in accordance with established scientific principles that acute or chronic health effects may occur in exposed people.

    3. Hazardous materials waste

      Hazardous materials waste meets any one or more of the following criteria:

      1. A waste or combination of wastes as defined in 40 CFR 261.3;
      2. Those substances defined as hazardous wastes in 49 CFR 171.8; or
      3. Substances defined as hazardous waste in Chapter 3734, or Chapter 3745. of the Revised Code, or Chapter 3745. of the Administrative Code.
    4. Radioactive waste

      Radioactive waste is any substance that is no longer wanted and is known to be radioactive (producing ionizing radiation) greater than background level.

    5. Biohazardous waste

      Biohazardous waste is any substance that is no longer wanted and contains or could potentially contain biohazards agents. For detailed regulatory definition, see the "Biosafety Manual," and state regulations, or contact EHS.

    6. PCB waste

      PCB waste is any substance that is no longer wanted and includes biphenyl molecules that have been chlorinated to varying degrees. For a detailed regulatory definition, see the "Hazardous Materials Management Manual."

    7. Asbestos waste

      Asbestos waste is asbestos material that has been removed or collected and labeled as a waste. For a detailed regulatory definition, see the "Asbestos Management Program."

    8. Other terminology

      Multi-hazardous waste is waste that contains two or more of the following wastes: biological, radioactive, or hazardous waste.

      Mixed waste is multi-hazardous waste that includes radioactive material.

      Specially regulated waste is any waste that becomes a public concern and is regulated specifically. The previous seven wastes are examples of such waste.

  3. Identifying hazardous materials

    There are three primary tools used to determine if a material is hazardous and how it will be handled:

    1. Specific written documentation, such as the "Material Safety Data Sheet" (MSDS), the container label, or shipping papers. (A MSDS is a regulatory document that is required to be provided by the manufacturer to the user; the sheet contains pertinent safety information.)
    2. The specific listings and definitions of materials included in various regulations. These lists and definitions are contained in the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, the Revised Code, and the Administrative Code, all of which may be found at Alden library and on the internet.
    3. Personal knowledge (an individual may have created the material, or know very specific information about the material's properties).

    If hazardous material status cannot be determined, call environmental health and safety ("EHS") and request a review by the hazardous materials manager. Unknown materials will be treated as hazardous materials until they are determined to be non-hazardous.

  4. Acquiring hazardous materials

    Hazardous materials must be aquired as described in policy 55.031.

  5. Using hazardous materials

    Hazardous materials users are directed to the EHS "Hazardous Materials Management Manual" for specific policies, procedures, and practices. The manual includes information and management tools required to use hazardous materials safely and to comply with laws and regulations.

    In addition to the "Hazardous Materials Management Manual," material handling procedures can be found by:

    1. Referring to the "帝王会所 Biosafety Manual";
    2. Referring to the EHS "Radiation Safety Handbook";
    3. Using the environmental health and safety (EHS) web site; or
    4. By contacting the EHS office, at 740-593-1666.
  6. Disposal of hazardous materials

    Generators of the types of waste listed here shall contact EHS for guidance, prior to generation of waste. Generators of waste will handle the waste in such a way to protect the safety and health of people and the environment, comply with all university procedures (listed in this policy), and comply with applicable regulations.

    1. Hazardous waste

      Follow the chemical waste procedures available at:

      1. EHS website for chemical waste
      2. "Hazardous Materials Management Manual"
      3. Chemical waste form
    2. Radioactive waste

      Follow the radioactive waste procedures at:

      1. EHS website for radioactive waste
      2. "Radiation Safety Handbook"
      3. "Hazardous Materials Management Manual"
      4. Radioactive waste form
    3. Multi-hazardous waste

      Contact the EHS hazardous material coordinator for specific instruction.

    4. Mixed waste

      Contact the EHS hazardous material coordinator for specific instruction.

    5. Biohazardous waste

      Follow the infectious waste procedures available at:

      1. EHS infectious waste website
      2. "Biosafety Manual"
    6. PCB waste

      Follow the procedures previously outlined for chemical waste. Contact the EHS hazardous materials coordinator for more details.

    7. Asbestos waste

      Follow procedures available in the "Asbestos Management Program Manual."

    8. Specially regulated waste

      For disposal of specially regulated waste, generators shall consult with the EHS hazardous materials coordinator.

  7. Biohazards and infectious agents

    帝王会所 university shall follow the procedures for obtaining, approval, registration, handling, storage, and disposal of biohazards or infectious agents as described in policy 44.107 and the "Biosafety Manual."

  8. Hazardous materials spill response

    All faculty, staff, students, and visitors should be aware of and follow the procedures contained within the "Hazardous Materials Management Manual."

    All campus locations that handle, store, or use liquid hazardous materials shall have available enough absorbent to mitigate a spill equal to the largest size container of liquid at that location.

    All campus locations that handle, store, or use liquid hazardous materials shall post the following emergency information in an area available to each person using the laboratory, printed in a font size large enough to be read by a person with normal vision from a distance of at least ten feet, and prepared so as to facilitate rapid updating whenever the facts change:


    Room Number: 
    帝王会所 Police:740-593-1911
    Environmental Health and Safety:740-593-1666
    Athens City Police:911
    Athens City Fire Department:911
    Fire Extinguisher Location: 
    Absorbent Materials and 
    Personnel Protective Equipment Location:
    Fire Pull Station Location: 
    Name of Lab-Specific Responsible Person: 
    Phone Number of Lab-Specific Responsible Person: 

    For hazardous materials located on regional campuses, the local law enforcement and fire department should be identified and the appropriate phone numbers should be provided, rather than those for Athens city.

    The person responsible for the location shall consult with EHS and with facility planning and space management when preparing the sign; see also policy 42.100.

    EHS shall be provided with a copy of the text of each such sign immediately after it is first posted and immediately after any change to any of the posted information. This will facilitate EHS' maintenance of a complete and accurate inventory of locations and hazards, both for its own use and to assist local first-responders.

    For additional information and specific procedures, see the "Hazardous Materials Management Manual," the "Biosafety Manual," or the "Radiation Safety Handbook."


Proposed revisions of this policy should be reviewed by:

  1. Vice President for Research
  2. Associate Vice President for Facilities Management and Safety
  3. Chief of 帝王会所 Police Department
  4. Director of Research Compliance
  5. Faculty Senate
  6. Administrative Senate