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41.002: Additional Compensation




September 11, 2017

Initiated by:

Colleen Bendl | Chief Human Resources

Endorsed by:

Deborah Shaffer | Vice President for Finance and Administration 

Approved by:

M. Duane Nellis | President 

Signatures and dates on archival copy
  1. Overview

    The purpose of this policy is to define the various types of additional compensation, set limits on amounts, establish criteria for determining when additional compensation is appropriate, as well as to describe an approval and exception process for these payments.

    The university recognizes the need to provide additional compensation to pay employees for services beyond the scope of their normal job duties. This policy defines the various types of additional compensation and the eligibility criteria to receive these types of payments.

    Implementation of this policy should help to avoid the following:

    1. Inconsistencies within a planning unit in treatment of faculty and staff (e.g., payment versus non-payment for the same kind of work).

    2. Assurances of additional compensation at the time of appointment as opposed to indications that such compensation may be available.

    3. Failure to achieve full understanding among all concerned regarding such issues as the nature of duties for which additional compensation will be paid, the duration of an additional compensation assignment, and the amount of compensation to be paid for each assignment.

  2. Types of additional compensation

    1. Additional salary faculty - payment to faculty who perform an administrative function for ongoing work that follow their academic year pay for duties beyond teaching, typically nine month term. Both full-time and part-time faculty are eligible for this type of additional compensation.

    2. Additional pay short duration faculty - payment to faculty who perform an administrative function for ongoing work for a period of time less than a full academic year. Both full-time and part-time faculty are eligible for this type of additional compensation.

    3. Fiscal increment 鈥 payment to chairs, deans or directors made on a fiscal year basis. This type of additional compensation is only eligible to full-time faculty or Deans, and is raise pool eligible.

    4. Instructional overload faculty - payments for teaching over and above one鈥檚 current teaching load as defined by departmental workload policy. Total of all combined overloads cannot exceed twenty-five percent of base salary within a fiscal year without provost office approval. Can include payment for course development, grading and advising/mentoring if advisor is a faculty member. Only full-time faculty are eligible for this type of additional compensation.

    5. Non-instructional overload faculty - payments made to faculty who perform administrative functions. Total of all combined overloads cannot exceed twenty-five percent of base salary within a fiscal year without Provost office approval. Examples of activities could include professional/consulting services outside of the scope of the primary position; attending a conference, program or event for professional development, program review. Only full-time faculty are eligible for this type of additional compensation.

    6. Additional salary administrative 鈥 payment for additional duties/assignments that are administrative in nature but not included in the general job description. Payment for additional salary will follow their regular scheduled pay as defined by the employee鈥檚 appointment duration, must be non-teaching related and approved in advance by compensation.

    7. Additional pay short duration administrative - payment for additional duties/assignments that are administrative in nature but not included in the general job description for a period of time less than the full fiscal year, must be non-teaching related and approved in advance by compensation.

    8. Instructional overload administrative and classified - any additional work performed by a full time administrative or classified employee during the period of their contract that is out of scope of their position description and is teaching related in nature (defined by STRS). Includes payments for teaching, course development duties, grading, advising or mentoring. In order to comply with the overtime pay provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), planning units must complete the 鈥淥verload Calculator for Hourly Employees鈥 form for all hourly employees receiving additional compensation. This ensures overtime pay, if required, is factored into the amount of additional compensation provided at the appropriate pay rate.

  3. Additional compensation conditions

    Additional compensation will be permitted when each of the following conditions are met:

    The proposed additional compensation assignment and the amount of additional compensation must have the approval of the department chair, the dean, the provost, or of other appropriate administrative officers. Approval must be obtained prior to services being performed.

    1. The proposed additional compensation assignment is "professional" (i.e., within the contract person's area of expertise) as determined by the department chair and dean or by other appropriate administrative officers.

    2. The proposed additional compensation assignment serves the objectives of the university.

    3. The individual under consideration is able to complete their regularly appointed duties and assignments adequately.

    4. There are no other known responsibilities of higher priority within the university which the individual is soon to assume and which would conflict with the proposed additional compensation assignment.

    5. The proposed additional compensation assignment cannot be handled by something other than direct monetary compensation (e.g., by reduced teaching load; by joint appointment; by trade-off of duties with other faculty or staff personnel; etc.).

    6. There has been full communication to the department chair and approval by the dean (or other appropriate administrative officers) prior to discussing the assignment with the employee and prior to any work on the additional compensation assignment commencing.

    7. Total additional compensation in the form of overloads should not exceed twenty-five percent of fiscal year base pay without provost approval.

    8. Additional compensation paid to employees may not be charged to grant funds unless the grant specifically allows.


Proposed revisions of this policy should be reviewed by:

  1. Manager of Compensation

  2. Payroll Operations Manager

  3. Administrative Senate

  4. Faculty Senate

  5. Deans, Vice Presidents

  6. Chief Financial and Administrative Officers