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40.057: Research Appointments




November 19, 2021

Initiated by:

Colleen Bendl | Chief Human Resource Officer 

Endorsed by:

Joseph Trubacz | Interim Vice President for Finance and Administration, CFO and Treasurer of the Board of Trustees 

Approved by:

Hugh Sherman | President

Signatures and dates on archival copy
  1. Overview

    This policy establishes a "research" category of employees at 帝王会所 university, delineates the terms and conditions of research appointments, and ensures consistent treatment of these employees.

    Under the section 124.11 of the Revised Code, positions and employees involved in research are considered "unclassified" employees. 帝王会所 university defines research employees as non-faculty, non-student employees who are externally funded, and who predominantly conduct or support experimental, applied, or theoretical research work in a particular discipline.

    Appointments as research faculty (e.g., assistant research professor, associate research professor, or research professor) are governed by policy 01.015 and the "Faculty Handbook."

    In the absence of an exception formally granted in accordance with policy 01.003, this policy applies to all research employees whose positions are funded more than fifty per cent from any combination of the following sources:

    1.  Startup funds for new faculty (oracle financials accounts with project code prefix "SU")

    2.  Research incentive funds (oracle financials accounts with project code prefix "RI").

    3.  Restricted accounts (e.g., grants and contracts).

    4.  Internal awards -- often used for postdocs, this includes 1804 fund research grants (oracle financials accounts with project code prefix "IA").

    5.  Foundation accounts (oracle financials accounts with project code prefix "FN").

    Any position otherwise falling under policy 40.058 can be designated a research position on the basis of its funding source. As appointing authority, the chief human resource officer will make final determinations regarding research designation. For example, a new, one-hundred-per-cent-grant-funded position determined to be an administrative assistant could be designated as research, and terms and conditions of appointment would adhere to this policy.

  2. Process

    Unless otherwise noted, research administrative hourly employees will follow existing compensation and benefits policies for administrators.

    Research employees are considered special appointments, as described in policy 40.106.

    Policies 41.013 and 41.012, do not apply to research employees. Employment for research employees is considered "employment at will," and is at the discretion of the employing authority. The university can terminate the appointment at any time. Written notice of termination will be provided at least two weeks in advance of the anticipated termination date, if circumstances permit.

  3. Research employment categories

    Research employees can be administrative salaried or hourly. Appointments can be regular (nine- to twelve-month employment period), or term (less than nine-month employment period), as follows:

    Research administrator employees may hold positions meeting any of these three descriptions:

    1. Full-time regular research administrator: forty hours per week; nine- to twelve month employment period.
    2. Part-time regular research administrator: less than forty hours per week; nine- to twelve-month employment period.
    3. Term research administrator: zero to forty hours per week; zero- to eight-month employment period. 
  4. Compensation and benefits

    This chart indicates the pay type, pay rate determination method, and applicability of various benefits for each category of research employee. A "Y" indicates that the benefit or compensation on that row does apply to employees of that column.

    Unless otherwise noted, research administrators will follow existing compensation and benefits policies for administrators; and, with the obvious exceptions of the first four rows of this table, the table applies to both research administrative hourly and salaried appointments.

    Applicability of Benefits and Compensation
    by Research Employment Type
    and Benefits







    Research Administrator Pay Salaried/HourlySalaried/HourlySalaried/Hourly
    Research Administrator Pay DeterminationWill mirror administrative pay plan
    (see policy 40.058)
    Health and Life InsuranceYY 
    Educational BenefitsYY 
    Sick LeaveYY 
    Sick PayoutYY 
    Vacation LeaveYY 
    Vacation PayoutYY 
    Workers CompensationYYY
    Medical LeaveYYFMLA only
    Disability LeaveYY 
    Personal LeaveYY 
    Performance EvaluationYYInformal
    Annual Pay RaiseHourly: standard formulaHourly: standard formulaHourly: standard formula
    Salaried: merit-basedSalaried: merit-basedSalaried: merit-based
    Both: budget allowingBoth: budget allowingBoth: budget allowing
    Employment ProcessOnlineOnlineOnline


Proposed revisions of this policy should be reviewed by:

  1. Council of Research Scholarship and Creative Activity
  2. Faculty Senate
  3. Associate Deans for Research
  4. Chairs and Directors Council