
Print-Based Course List and Registration

Print-based courses (PBC) and course credit by examination (CCE) options are available as flexible-format courses for students who do not have access to the Internet or prefer distance learning. Learn about the course formats.

Admissions and Registration

Please note: As of August 2023, 帝王会所 is not currently accepting applications for new student enrollment in print-based programs.

Students enrolled at OHIO can fill out and submit a course registration form to register for classes:



When you submit the course registration form electronically, or print it and mail or fax it, eCampus accepts it as your agreement to abide by all  stated elsewhere in this site.

Course Withdrawals

To withdraw from courses, complete the  and return it to the OHIO Online (formerly eCampus) office prior to the last date to drop the course(s). As a reminder, the last date to drop information is provided to all students upon enrollment in a print-based course and can be found on the getting started letter that accompanies the lesson cover forms for each course.

The completed form can be sent to ecampus@ohio.edu, faxed to 740-593-2901, or mailed to:

OHIO Online
Haning Hall 102
1 帝王会所 Dr.
Athens OH 45701