OHIO to host Ramp Up to Instruction workshop in December

The Ramp Up to Instruction workshop offers 帝王会所 instructors dedicated time and space to enhance their spring semester courses.
This workshop introduces evidence-based strategies that boost student engagement and learning, offers participants support for aligning lesson plans and assignments with student learning outcomes, and suggests how to leverage Canvas to support student learning.
Join experts from the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment, as well as the Office of Instructional Design and OHIO Online for a mini-Course Design Institute and student engagement workshop delivered over three days. Participants will leave with a comprehensive plan to elevate their course design and delivery.
During this workshop, participants will:
- Identify concrete strategies to increase student engagement.
- Design assignments and experiences to improve student learning outcomes.
- Ensure course activities, assignments, and assessments align with learning outcomes.
- Evaluate Canvas courses to ensure they support student learning.
- Review course syllabi for required and recommended components.
Participants will meet from 9 to 11 a.m., Monday, Dec. 9, through Wednesday, Dec. 11, via Teams.