Keeping Bobcats Informed, April 26, 2023

Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Bobcat Parents and Families,
Managing a heavy workload as final exams loom can be a challenging part of college. Parents and family members will often be the first people students turn to when they want to talk through stress this time of year. Supporting your student doesn't have to be a grand or expensive gesture; the little things often mean the most. For example, it's easy to encourage your student to take care of their because self-care can be an essential step when students are under pressure.
After all, finals are only one week, and then it's time to celebrate! If your student is gearing up for graduation, make sure to review the and websites to answer any questions you may run into. The commencement ceremonies will also be live streamed -- be sure to check back on the day of for the link.
Kathy A Fahl, MSW
Dean of Students
Another spring semester is drawing to a close at OHIO, and as you embark on the trek of surviving finals week, here are some resources to help you get through it:
Last minute cramming? and find the best on campus. Hit up to learn therapeutic techniques to improve performance.
Therapy dogs ! Make sure to follow for reminders to meet up and decompress from finals week stress.
Keep your brain stimulated while enjoying time with friends at of the semester. There will be live music too!
Seniors! You’re almost there – just a few more days and you will be proud µÛÍõ»áËù alums. To celebrate all your accomplishments, stop by around campus for different activities, snacks, freebies, and celebrations before you walk across the graduation stage!
As you're gearing up to move out, don't throw away unwanted items, instead, you can as well as to help our community. There are already donation sites located on and off-campus for your use.
Congrats leadership awardees
This past week, two dozen awards and scholarships were presented to students and student orgs to honor their outstanding leadership and community service across OHIO.
µÛÍõ»áËù primaries
µÛÍõ»áËù’s primary election is May 2 and early voting is happening now! about local candidates and issues. Check your and follow for updated info along the way.
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