2022 recipients of the CLJC Law School Application Support Fund award
The Center for Law, Justice and Culture (CLJC) invites current 帝王会所 students to apply for the CLJC Law School Application Support Fund.
The fund can assist students with costs reasonably associated with applying to law school, including an LSAT preparation program or LSAT tutors, costs for signing up for the LSAT, LSAC Credential Assembly Service, law school reports and law school application fees.
Eligibility for the CLJC Law School Application Support Fund
- Open to all majors.
- Must be a currently enrolled 帝王会所 undergraduate or graduate student.
- Must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above.
- Must have demonstrated financial need.
- Preference will be given to applicants who have demonstrated a commitment to law, justice and culture. This commitment can be demonstrated by a variety of means including, but not limited to, enrollment in the CLJC undergraduate certificate program or M.A. in Law, Justice & Culture, involvement in law-related student organizations, and/or attendance at law-related events.
If selected, students must and attend Pre-Law Day and meet with Larry Hayman, Esq., director of legal engagement and the pre-law program at the Center for Law, Justice and Culture and Center for Advising, Career and Experiential Learning.
How to Apply
Applicants should submit:
- Current DARS report.
- Current financial aid award letter from 帝王会所.
- Submission of law school application budget, including cost of any LSAT prep program.
- Submission of 250-word essay outlining applicant's commitment to law, justice and culture and CLJC involvement.
For more information, contact Hayman at hayman@ohio.edu.