Menard Family George Washington Forum to host Michael Munger in Baker Theater on Feb. 9

The will present “Is Capitalism Sustainable in a Democracy,” on Thursday, Feb. 9, in the Baker Center Theater.
Michael Munger will be the featured speaker for the evening, which will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the theater on the second floor of 's Baker University Center.
Munger is professor of political science and director of the PPE Certificate Program at Duke University. His primary research focus is on the functioning of markets, regulation, and government institutions.
He has taught at Dartmouth College, University of Texas and University of North Carolina (where he was director of the Master of Public Administration Program), as well as working as a staff economist at the Federal Trade Commission during the Reagan Administration. He also is a past president of the Public Choice Society, an international academic society of political scientists and economists with members in 16 countries, and currently co-edits The Independent Review.
This event is open to the public and all are welcome to attend.
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