Advising Tip: Maximize your plans with summer course offerings

Spring semester is in full force. The weather...well that’s complicated, but your summer plans don’t have to be. Use the summer term to get a head start or keep on track!
Summer courses are now available to view online through , and this is the perfect time to think about your summer plans. Although summer term does not require you to meet with an advisor, meaning there is no advising hold, I strongly encourage you to talk with your success advisor and discuss courses that would help you complete requirements. Registration for summer session opens on Feb. 20.
There are three different types of summer courses offered: full term, summer session 1, and summer session 2. Summer sessions 1 and 2 are offered the first or last seven weeks of the term, whereas full summer session courses last the full 14 weeks.
Remember to talk with your financial aid advisor to discuss tuition and fees. You can schedule a meeting by contacting the office of financial aid.
Summer is a great opportunity to:
- Get ahead on completing your degree.
- Re-take a course to boost your GPA.
- Take a course that helps complete a minor or certificate.
- Take that requisite course required to move on in a sequenced course.
- Take that one challenging course so that you can focus all your efforts for success.
Drop-in Advising Hours for College of Arts & Sciences Students
- Wednesdays, 9 to 11 a.m. and 1 to 4 p.m.
- Thursdays, 1 to 4 p.m.