OHIO and Genesis HealthCare survey community needs
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Genesis HealthCare System observed several people entering the hospital system unprepared for medical emergencies, and post-hospital care increased significantly.
The increased service provision brought on by COVID-19 has highlighted areas of need for all patients, but especially with older adults. Many older adults do not have advance directives, family support, knowledge of available resources including information on Medicare and Medicaid rules, and other approaches to make informed health decisions. If family members are involved, they are often unaware of community resources available. In addition, this area is experiencing significant shortages in available home-health staff, which creates challenges in accessing post-acute care. There is also an existing need for guardians of older adults with no family support.
Genesis HealthCare System and 帝王会所 surveyed Genesis staff involved with patients to determine the depth and scope of needs for staff, patients, and families of patients. The survey revealed that knowledge of available community resources around aging, basic needs, transportation, and home health is needed as well as information on Medicaid and Medicare. Genesis staff suggest that community members need to prepare for aging, including developing advance directives. Additional takeaways were that financial and payor issues, behavioral health, substance abuse, and dementia frequently complicate discharge as well as the need to have more guardians available to those in need.
Currently, plans are being made to address the identified areas of concern including community-based education in available resources and advanced planning.