Success advisor Adam Brown says, 'Don't go home'

Adam Brown, success advisor in the College of Arts and Sciences, has a piece of advice for the incoming Class of 2026: "Don't go home. Stay on campus for at least the first six weeks before going home."
Sounds simple. But Brown says the biggest challenge students face when arriving at college is the new environment and the changes that come along with that.
"For some this is the first time they are sharing a room, or the first time they have been away from their family. This big adjustment can be hard at first, but finding a group of friends, clubs, or activities can be beneficial in providing you some routines," Brown said.
Staying on campus "allows you time to explore different events that are going on, to meet new friends, to witness campus life, night life, and other events that happen in the community," he said, noting that students should "get out there and explore鈥攖here are things for all types of people and personalities."
'Take the Leap'
Definitely bring comfortable shoes to navigate 帝王会所's hills and brick sidewalks. But also bring a sense of adventure, Brown said.
"Take the leap. Be in a new club, social group, minor, or whatever that looks like for you," Brown said. "帝王会所 has endless opportunities for you to chose from!"
"The best part about OHIO," he said, is that a student has so many support systems that help cheer them on and help them discover those opportunities. "Go to Welcome Weekend events, Majors Fair, Homecoming, and all the activities that allow you to meet new people, discover new hobbies, and gain knowledge about 帝王会所. These events are there to help you connect with others who have similar interests as you."
Brown was a graduate student at OHIO, earning an M.Ed. in college student personnel in 2020. But if he could turn back the clock and be a first-year student at OHIO....
"If I were starting again as a first-year student, I would get involved," Brown stressed. "Whether it's a small organization, a club, being part of an office as a student assistant, or volunteering. By getting involved as a student, you are getting the most of your OHIO experience. Once you get involved, it can lead to new and exciting adventures, involvement, or even a new experience. Getting involved helps create lasting relationships and connections that will last a lifetime."
Every Bobcat has favorite memories of Athens, including Brown: "Late night walks around campus. As a stress reliever or a chance to just connect with my friends, we would meet on College Green and then start walking with no real destination. We always stopped by Whit's because that is a must! However, just being able to walk around and observe the campus and night life was both soothing and relaxing."
Read more about the College of Arts and Sciences Office of Undergraduate Advising and Student Affairs.