Keeping Bobcats Informed, Feb. 23, 2022

Check Off Your Winter Bucket List
Try your Olympic skills on the ice at Bird Arena and follow it up with a steaming cup of hot cocoa from Front Room Coffeehouse. Need some indoor fun? The Athena Cinema is an Uptown staple. If you need to move, Ping Center's climbing wall is the perfect outlet. What's on your bucket list?
Don't miss upcoming deadlines
Contracts and deposits due
Housing contracts and deposits must be submitted by the deadline, Wednesday, Feb. 23, at 4 p.m.
Attend the open house
Current first year students are invited to an open house on Feb. 27 at 5–7 p.m. to view residence hall options prior to room selection.
Get support with the next steps in your career
Whether you are exploring majors, preparing a resume, or job searching, OHIO's can help reach your career goals.
In a survey, 27% of OHIO students experienced food insecurity
If you can't afford to eat a balanced meal, if you skip meals, or eat smaller meals because you are worried your food will run out before you get more money, visit the in Baker. Students who have enough food are less stressed and do better in school.
Public Health Updates
Protocol changes
The University has implemented changes to the exposure section of the COVID-19 Protocol, based on recent policy changes from the µÛÍõ»áËù Department of Health.
Get antigen tests
BinaxNOW rapid antigen tests are now available for pickup on all campuses (limit one per person per week).
Boost yourself
OHIO strongly encourages all community members to get a COVID-19 booster shot as soon as they are eligible, to prevent infection and spread of the disease. on the Athens campus any Friday in February.
Quarantine update
Residential students who are up-to-date on COVID-19 vaccinations are not required to quarantine if exposed to the virus, provided their vaccination and/or booster record is on file with the University.
Bobcat Well-Being Tips
Healthcare for uninsured
Do you know anyone in Athens or the surrounding area who is without insurance but in need of medical attention? The is a student-run, free clinic that is currently accepting patients for this winter and spring.
Advocate for body positivity
Help to increase body acceptance and decrease risk factors for the development of eating disorders by joining .
Events at OHIO
OIT Tech Tips
Protect your account from criminals
Cybercriminals are increasingly targeting college students with the goal of stealing financial aid and tuition refund payments. Protect yourself by taking these .
Quick Links
On-campus job
Get involved, stay involved
Celebrate Black history
Black history at the Athena
Connect with alumni