Keeping Bobcats Informed, Oct. 6, 2021

It’s Homecoming Week
- Thu., Oct. 7 | 7 PM | Pep Rally on College Green
- Sat., Oct. 9 | 7 AM | at the Golf & Tennis Center
- Sat., Oct. 9 | 10 AM | Uptown
- Sat., Oct. 9 | 12:30 PM | at Pepsi Tailgreat Park
- Sat., Oct. 9 | 3:30 PM | at Peden Stadium
- All week | Homecoming Archives Display in Alden Library 4th Floor
Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Five signs your friend may be in trouble
You observe persistent demands about how and with whom your friend spends their time, often coupled with jealousy or guilting.
You sense your friend feeling pressured to act, speak, or look a certain way. They may communicate fear that being out of touch with their partner will upset them.
You see your friend's partner use their body to assert themselves or deal with confrontation. They may also ignore or violate physical boundaries.
Your friend acts nervous, withdrawn, or out of character, and shows fear or defensiveness when confronted about the changes.
The belittlement of beliefs and feelings, and other forms of emotional and psychological abuse can be early indicators that the harm will become physical.
The Survivor Advocacy Program exists to provide confidential support to survivors and those who care about them. Schedule an appointment online.
Flu shots on campus
So you're already vaccinated against COVID-19? Good on you! Don't forget to also arm yourself against the common flu – each year the flu vaccine is modified to adjust to the most common and most likely strains that year. Get your shot on campus at an upcoming clinic.
OHIO Hockey plays at home all month
You don't want to miss out on the Bird Ice Arena gameday experience. The month of October is packed with home games and space is limited, so get your advanced tickets early.
Suicide prevention exhibit
Send Silence Packing® is a visually striking exhibit that includes photos and personal stories from individuals who have lost a loved one to suicide. The display will be on College Green on Oct. 12 and is designed to inspire action for suicide prevention.
Mandatory Hazing Prevention Course
All students, faculty, and staff are required to complete a new online module that will provide education to .
Misplace your vaccine card?
You can contact your original vaccine provider or the health department for the county in which you received your vaccine to replace it. Pro tip: Snap a pic of your card and keep it in your favorites as a backup.
Treat flu symptoms like COVID
Many COVID symptoms are also cold, flu, or seasonal allergy symptoms. Even if you just have a little cough or sniffle, stay home, contact COVID Operations, and arrange a test or doctor visit through Campus Care.
Rewards to vax early
The vaccination deadline is Nov. 15. Read about the Bobcats Get Vaxxed incentives you are eligible for. The list includes Bobcat Cash, housing scholarships, and charitable contributions to an organization of your choice.
Drop off food today or this Friday from 11 a.m.–1 p.m. at the Cats' Cupboard food pantry on the fifth floor of Baker. Most needed items: Toilet paper, canned salmon, corn, tomatoes, carrots, and fruit.
Understand Quarantine
See the reference guide
Vaccine Clinic Schedule
Find a time to get vaxxed