Keeping Bobcats Informed, Oct. 20, 2021

Considering grad school?
It鈥檚 never too early to explore graduate education programs offered throughout the region. from different universities at the upcoming Grad School Fair, open to all majors and class standings.
Watch what you wear
Does any element of your costume represent a culture or identity of which you are not a part? Consider this question as you are choosing your costume for Halloween this year. All Bobcats have a responsibility to educate themselves on the difference between cultural appropriation vs. cultural appreciation. to learn more.
Diversity resources
At OHIO, we celebrate all members of our community and strive to uplift diverse identities, cultures, experiences, and perspectives.
Diversity First Career Fair
Multicultural Center
Learn more
LGBT resources
International resources
Dig in
Health & Fitness
OHIO Tennis Open
Sign up to play in this weekend's open tennis tournament at the Golf & Tennis Center next to Ping Rec Center.
Walking group
A kickoff group walk is happening Saturday for Change Our Outcomes, a new health and fitness organization. All are invited to join.
Climbing competition
Choose between beginner, intermediate, or advanced categories for the annual Halloween Climbing Competition next week.
Intramurals deadline
Tomorrow is the last day to register for an intramural sport for the second session of the fall semester. Sign up as a free agent or bring your team together!
Sports: 4v4 Flag Football, 7v7 Soccer, 3v3 Basketball, Disc Golf
Tournaments: Mini Soccer, Softball, Ultimate Frisbee, 2v2 Sand Volleyball, Dodgeball
Spring semester planning
As OHIO finalizes course schedules for Spring, there are plans to return to normal density in classrooms with further increases in face-to-face course offerings.
Countdown to get vaxxed
Get your ducks in a row to submit your COVID-19 vaccine card or approved exemption by Nov. 15. That means getting other tasks done well before then.
EVENTS - Domestic Violence Awareness Month
10/20 - Red Zone Workshop - 5-6 p.m.
10/21 - Healthy Relationships Workshop - Noon-1 p.m.
11/1 - Virtual Survivor Support Group - Thursdays at 5 p.m.
Email to register
Learn more
Women Entrepreneurship Week
帝王会所 proudly participates in Women Entrepreneurship Week, a global movement to celebrate and inspire female founders. Get ready for a week of events featuring women entrepreneurs, leaders, and innovators.
Love Yourself Week
Prepare for a week of self-esteem and confidence building with a little crafting! Celebrate women by attending a preliminary tie-dye gathering Oct. 25 and Oct. 26 at 5:30 p.m. behind the LLC on South Green. Wear your t-shirts the following week and share online using #OHIOBobcatLove.
Check off your fall bucket list
Stop by West 82 and celebrate the season with delicious fall favorites like caramel apples, pumpkin cake rolls, apple cider, and more!
Financial Aid
Vaccine clinic schedule
Final days to get vaccinated