News and Announcements

OHIO employees welcomed to participate in virtual countering racism sessions

The Athens Area Mediation Service will host three, one-hour virtual sessions of “Exploring and Countering Racism” on Zoom on Tuesdays, July 20 and 27, and Aug. 3 from 7 to 8 p.m. employees are welcome to attend, and there is no charge to attend thanks to a grant from the Athens Foundation. 

The series will offer community members an opportunity to share perspectives and thoughts regarding racism, the detrimental impacts of racism, and actions they can take to counter racism, whether individually or as part of a group.

The sessions include:

  • “Part I: Examining Ourselves” – During this session participants will get acquainted and build rapport to facilitate sharing. Participants will be called upon to examine their life experiences and perceptions of race, including who and what were major influencers in the formation of those perceptions. 
  • “Part II: Impacts of Racism” – Facilitators will share information about the impacts of racism on our communities. 
  • “Part III: Call to Action” – Facilitators will present options for taking action to counter racism and discuss their willingness to take action to counter racism, whether on the interpersonal, community or national level. 

Interested participants can . 

July 2, 2021
Staff reports