New Supervisory Skills Pathway available through Professional Development Pathways Program
Professional Development Pathways (PDP) is happy to announce that the following professional development opportunity is now available:
Supervisory Skills Pathway
This new Pathway program is designed for 帝王会所 staff and faculty seeking to develop their skills as supervisors. This Pathway is designed to build specialized knowledge and skills to help participants:
- Identify role of supervisor and respond to key challenges associated with supervising people.
- Actively engage teams in problem-solving and workplace improvement opportunities
- Clarify expectations, provide feedback, and build coaching relationships.
- Actively listen to and effectively communicate with others.
- Navigate challenges and effectively transition to new leadership roles.
Core Courses
- Using Active Listening in Workplace Situations
- Performance Mgt. Fundamentals, or Performance Mgt. for Non-Supervisors
- Intercultural Competence, Overcoming Unconscious Bias in the Workplace, or Search Committees-Preparing for Search
- Effectively Directing and Delegating as a Manager
- Facing Management Challenges of Difficult Behavior and Diverse Teams
- Developing Successful Coaching Relationships
- Accountable Leadership
- Facilitating a Brainstorming Session, Leading Virtually, or Leading through Problem Solving and Decision Making
General Electives
- Building and Leading Successful Teams
- Influencing and Persuading Others
- Resolving Conflict in the Workplace, or Leading Others through Conflict
- How to Manage Difficult Conversations
- Emotional Intelligence (EQ) or DiSC
- Do We Have a Failure to Communicate?
- Networking to Improve Leadership Effectiveness
- Leading through Setting and Managing Priorities
- Performance Mgt - Coaching/Feedback
- Performance Mgt - Recognition/Evaluation
- Leading with Strategic Thinking
- Leading through Shared Vision
- Designing a Customer Service Strategy
- New Leadership Transitions
- Facing Challenges as a First Time Manager
- Tracking Time and Attendance
- Make the Time You Need: Get Organized
Application Exercise
To promote collaboration, encourage networking, and raise awareness of best practices, participants must participate in two Supervisor Roundtable Discussions, one as participant, and one as co-lead.
- Focus is on sharing new ideas and/or introducing important discussions that are beneficial for supervisors.
- Discussions are scheduled for 90 minutes at least once per quarter and open to all faculty/staff.
- Co-leads organize discussions based on one of the topics above using an interactive meeting format.
- Discussion topics, meeting format, and scheduling assistance are coordinated by the PDP Administrator.
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