Update on Spring 2021 Commencement Participation
帝王会所 will host four ceremonies April 30 through May 2 outdoors at Peden Stadium for the spring 2021 graduating class.
Although we are able to offer in-person ceremonies, 帝王会所 must continue to follow guidance from public health officials about how to safely conduct such events outdoors. This includes limiting participation in the ceremonies to reduce density. Each student will be allowed up to two guests. Faculty may participate in the following ways:
- Attending the in-person events. Faculty will be seated in a special section. Regalia rentals will not be available this year due to time constraints. Faculty do not need to RSVP if they choose to attend the ceremony in-person, but will need to enter Peden stadium and check in at Gate 4.
- Volunteering to assist with the ceremonies on any of the four dates this spring.
- Watching the live stream of the ceremonies and celebrating our students via social media engagement using the #ohioGRAD2021 hashtag.
Please note: All guests entering Peden Stadium are advised to conduct a personal health screening before arriving to campus. Those who feel ill, have symptoms consistent with COVID-19, have been exposed to someone with symptoms of COVID-19, have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, or who have tested positive themselves, must stay home.
We appreciate your support of our students this spring and encourage your participation in these historic events.