
News and Announcements

Spring semester plans announced for OHIO regional campuses

The OHIO Spring 2021 Regional Campus course schedule will be delivered in a hybrid format which will mirror the approach developed for fall semester.  This means that some courses will be delivered on-site (on-campus, in-person) and some will be delivered virtually. Classes begin Tuesday, January 19, 2021. In response to student interests, more online courses will be delivered in a synchronous format which means that they will meet on a specific day and time with live instruction. 

On-site, in-person instruction will include specific lab, practica, and clinical sections in natural science, engineering technology, and health care subject areas. Other practica and clinical opportunities may also be available for students in degrees that require in-person activities. All other courses will be delivered through videoconferencing technology (Zoom or Teams), online instruction, or a combination of the two.

Campus support services 

Throughout Spring semester, students will be able to access both in-person and remote/virtual support services. Contact the regional campus Student Services office to schedule an appointment for advising, registration, or financial aid support.

In addition to robust virtual support, regional campus libraries will maintain limited in-person hours to support student needs. Hours of operation will be posted at each campus prior to the start of the semester. Tutoring services and support will be available remotely through a partnership with the Academic Achievement Center.

Each regional campus will maintain spaces where students can study and access University Wi-Fi. These spaces will require minimum physical distancing requirements. As with fall semester, all persons on campus must follow the university face coverings policy.

Students with questions about planning for Spring semester should reach out to the Student Services office at their campus locations. 

October 30, 2020
Staff reports