
University Community

OHIO offers remote teaching workshops for spring semester

The Center for Teaching and Learning within the Office of Instructional Innovation and the Office of Information Technology is facilitating sessions in support of remote teaching in spring semester. Sessions will focus on best practices, tips, and tools for effective student engagement in an online or hybrid format.

The sessions facilitated by Dr. Meg Flanigan, associate director of the Center for Teaching and Learning, will include presentations and open discussion forums on the following topics: Asynchronous Teaching, Flipped Classroom, Large Enrollment Classes, Effective Discussions, and Experiential Learning. 

The sessions facilitated by subject matter experts from the Office of Information Technology will include the following topics: Creating and Sharing Engaging Videos with Panopto, Microsoft Teams Classroom and Collaboration, Leveraging Blackboard to Engage Students, and Virtual Collaboration with VoiceThread.

The sessions will run throughout November, December, and January, and will start on Nov. 3. For the full schedule, session descriptions, and links to register/join sessions, visit /keep-teaching/resources-and-support/workshops/spring-remote-teaching-workshops

If you have questions or feedback, please contact oii@ohio.edu.

October 29, 2020
Staff reports