Vice Provost Lorna Jean Edmonds announces intent to step down

Dr. Lorna Jean “LJ” Edmonds has announced her intent to retire as ’s Vice Provost for Global Affairs and International Studies, effective Aug. 15, 2020.
Dr. Edmonds has served as the vice provost, the director of the Center for International Studies, and professor in the College of Health Sciences and Professions since 2013. She came to after a more than 25-year storied career working in more than 65 countries.
The Office of Global Affairs and International Studies (OGAIS) has contributed to OHIO’s strong global presence over the years by advancing a Global Strategy, which fostered University-wide collaborations and synergy, strengthening existing and developing new, innovative programs. Recent examples include the Global Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) Initiative, the OHIO Global Connections Professional Development Initiative, and the Presidential Global Engagement Fund.
Through the Office of Global Affairs, OGAIS raised the profile of the global achievements of OHIO’s faculty, staff, and alumni as well as its community and partners through International Education Week and its Global Engagement Awards and a series of University and alumni events in Europe, Asia, Latin America and Africa. Central to this has been to leverage OHIO’s 50 plus active partnerships particularly in Japan, Malaysia, Germany, and Ecuador and most recently in multiple countries in Africa.
“Vice Provost Edmonds brought her passion for global education to leadership of the Office of Global Affairs and International Studies,” said Executive Vice President and Provost Elizabeth Sayrs. “Her efforts have led to truly collaborative and innovative programs such as the Global COIL Initiative. LJ fostered a strong commitment to the ideals of global understanding that has strengthened ’s international reputation for excellence in higher education.”
Today, the Center for International Studies is home to approximately 2,500 alumni, 300 undergraduate, graduate, and certificate students in area and development studies and global leadership, from 35 countries, 160 affiliated faculty from nine colleges across the University, and eight critical world languages. Over 1,000 students participate annually in the Office of Global Opportunities domestic and international study away experiences in over 50 countries. Equally, 1,200 international students from over 110 countries are supported by the International Student and Faculty Services office and the colleges, contribute to creating a vibrant, diverse, community and a rich academic environment.
“From the very beginning OHIO has pioneered a global agenda of advancing diversity, inclusion and cooperation, seeking out new frontiers at home and abroad, and with that, new possibilities for making a world of difference – one OHIO within our majestic universe,” Vice Provost Edmonds said. “I am extremely proud to have been part of the latest phase of OHIO’s global history, investments and legacy as together we leveraged its rich past, distinction and excellence to build its future. I truly appreciate the instrumental role that OGAIS, faculty, staff, students, partners, alumni, Deans, and the senior leadership are playing in supporting OHIO’s global strategy. With this strong foundation, I am confident that the university will reach even greater heights in the future.”
Plans for continuity of leadership of the Office of Global Affairs and International Studies to be announced.