Instructional support offered to faculty teaching remotely

The Office of Instructional Innovation (OII), Office of Information Technology (OIT), University Libraries, and the Division of Diversity and Inclusion are continuing to help faculty adapt their courses to remote teaching for the summer. Faculty can work with these offices to get the support they need now to implement strategies and tools in courses.
This support includes individual consultations, casual lunchtime conversations, both live and recorded workshops, just-in-time messaging and appointment bookings. Faculty can access the workshop schedule and all virtual support options through the Keep Teaching website, with these opportunities provided on the Workshops page and a new Consultations page.
Teaching Workshops and Consultations
Faculty can attend a live workshop at a designated time or view one of the pre-recorded workshops. Upcoming live teaching workshops include the following topics:
- Blackboard Course Layout Basics: May 20, 2:00–3:00 p.m.
- Methods for Engagement and Maintaining Presence, May 27, 2:00–3:00 p.m.
- Options and Considerations Around Affordable Course Materials, May 29, 1:00–2:00 p.m.
- Student Development Theory for Online Instruction, June 18, 1:30–2:30 p.m.
- Using VoiceThread to Engage Students, July 16, 1:00–1:45 p.m.
All live workshops are available through Microsoft Teams. Additional workshops will be added to the schedule over the next few weeks.
Instructional designers from OII are available for virtual one-on-one consultations with faculty to determine how best to structure a remote course to meet learning outcomes and engage students. Faculty can , reach out through the , or drop in on a weekly casual lunch conversation through Microsoft Teams. View the lunchtime topics available on Wednesdays in May and June; additional topics will be added later in the summer.
Inclusive and Accessible Teaching
The Keep Including website includes resources that help faculty consider how to incorporate inclusive and accessible practices into their teaching to meet students’ needs. These practices include using trauma-informed teaching strategies, fostering a sense of belonging and community remotely, considering students’ accessibility and access needs, and supporting and empowering marginalized students.
Library Support
The University Libraries continue to purchase and scan content, provide electronic reserves processing, and identify and integrate affordable course materials for courses. Subject librarians are available by appointment, email or via Microsoft Teams to collaborate on the delivery of embedded information and primary source literacy instruction sessions into remote courses. View the Libraries’ Get Help page for additional remote help options.
Technology Workshops and Consultations
OIT offers several workshops that focus on leveraging technology in your courses. The workshop topics include Blackboard, Panopto, Proctortrack, Qualtrics, Microsoft Teams and OneDrive. Book a workshop through the OIT Workshops page.
OIT consultations help you learn how to use technology to meet your specific needs. Faculty can book an appointment, join the , or send a question about a technical concern to the Service Desk.