
News and Announcements

Information regarding Bobcat Depot technology ordering for Fiscal Year 2020

Orders for computers and other accessories from Bobcat Depot must be placed in time for the item(s) to be received at the University prior to the end of the fiscal year. This is necessary if the order is to be accounted for, or billed, within the 2020 fiscal year (FY20). 

If the item(s) needed are in stock at Bobcat Depot, the Depot can charge through the end of business day on Tuesday, June 30, 2020. 

However, items not in stock (e.g., custom orders, large quantities, etc.) will need to be ordered and received to campus by June 30 in order to be charged to FY20. There may be shipping delays due to COVID-19, so please allow four to five weeks for custom and large quantity orders. 

Please note that Bobcat Depot staff members are processing orders remotely. Questions and departmental orders may be emailed to bobcatdepot@ohio.edu, and our staff will answer as quickly as possible. 

May 4, 2020
Staff reports