
University Community

Accessible OHIO: Maintenance issues as barriers

At µÛÍõ»áËù, we embrace that we have a collective responsibility to create the opportunity for people with disabilities to have an accessible and inclusive experience whether a student, employee, visitor, or community member. There are many simple ways we can all contribute to the development of an accessible and inclusive environment. Accessible OHIO: It’s What We Do highlights a series of actions that any of us may take – no expertise required!  

When might a common maintenance issue present an accessibility barrier? 
Maintenance issues may be inconvenient to address, but sometimes they create barriers for people with disabilities. Maintaining accessibility requires everyone In our community to notice and report issues that may be barriers.

Some maintenance issues which may be barriers are:

•    Lights that are not working may create a barrier in navigating a pathway safely or accurately locating a building or room entrance. 
•    Push-button door openers that do not function properly may create a barrier to enter a building or create a safety issue if they close too quickly.  
•    Loose or missing bricks along the path of travel can create a trip hazard or be impassable for those who use mobility devices or have low vision.
•    Branches from bushes and vines that extend over the rail can make them unusable for someone who requires stability climbing stairs.
•    Vegetation and objects that encroach onto the sidewalk may make the path too narrow for someone who uses a mobility device to navigate. 
•    Snow in a curbcut or on a ramp may mean a path that is typically accessible no longer is.
To report a maintenance issue causing an accessibility barrier on the Athens campus:

•    Submit a work order request describing the ADA access issue with Facilities Management & Safety 
•    Complete OHIO’s  Report an Accessibility Barrier form to provide the details, including the work order number. The Office for University Accessibility can assess progress of the repair and review the issue to see if any interim measures or adaptations need to be put in place. If you are unsure how to do a work order, please at least report the issue to OHIO’s  Report an Accessibility Barrier.
To report maintenance issue causing an accessibility barrier on a Regional Campus:
•    Contact the Regional Campus Facilities Department 
•    Complete OHIO’s  Report an Accessibility Barrier form to provide the details. The Office for University Accessibility can work with campus representatives to assess progress of the repair and see if any interim measures or adaptations need to be put in place.
To report an issue to the City of Athens:
•    Submit a Report a Concern through the Athens City Source App. 
Creating a more Accessible OHIO: It’s What We Do.  

May 13, 2020
Staff reports