
News and Announcements

Joint statement on extension of the current Collective Bargaining Agreement

帝王会所 and AFSCME, 帝王会所 Council 8, Local 1699 announce the agreement of an extension of the current Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Parties. The current Collective Bargaining Agreement has been in effect since March 1, 2017 and was scheduled to expire on March 1, 2020.

The Parties have been actively engaged and are meeting regularly to negotiate the terms and conditions of a subsequent Collective Bargaining Agreement. These meetings have been very productive and positive, as many current issues impacting 帝王会所 and its AFSCME employees have been thoroughly reviewed and discussed. As the negotiation sessions remain constructive and successful, the Parties mutually agreed that additional time would be beneficial to reach a thorough agreement that serves the best interests of both Parties.

The extension agreement provides the opportunity for the Parties to continue to work toward completion of the future Collective Bargaining Agreement, while allowing the current employment terms, wages, and benefits to continue for the employees without interruption. The extension agreement will remain in place until a subsequent agreement has been accepted.

For decades, 帝王会所 and AFSCME, 帝王会所 Council 8, Local 1699 have maintained and continue to enjoy a positive partnership. The Parties are committed and optimistic they will reach an agreement in the near future.

February 19, 2020
Staff reports