Board of Trustees to receive update on Strategic Framework plan Oct. 10-11

The µÛÍõ»áËù Board of Trustees will receive an update on the µÛÍõ»áËù Strategic Framework, as well as budget and enrollment projections, during its Oct. 10-11 meetings in Walter Hall on the Athens Campus.
The Board also will consider new capital projects and hear an update on student conduct during the meetings.
Strategic Framework and General Education update
When: Academics and Student Success Committee, 9:30 a.m. Oct. 10, Walter Hall 104
Chief Strategy and Innovation Officer Brad Cohen, University College Dean and Senior Vice President for Undergraduate Education and Student Success Elizabeth Sayrs, and College of Business Marketing Department Chair Katherine Hartman will provide an update on the Strategic Framework process, focusing on the general education curriculum, one of 11 initiatives included in the Framework.
The presentation will include information on the recent history of general education reform, the need for reform, and the current process, principles and timeline for completing the revision of general education.
A core working team composed of faculty, along with a representative from the Provost’s office and Student Affairs, will lead the reform, with input from a 32-member advisory group from across campuses, including students. The core team will also work with Faculty Senate, the University Curriculum Council and other constituents through shared governance and open discussion and feedback opportunities. The goal is to implement a revised general education program in Fall 2021.
Strategic Enrollment Management update
When: Academics and Student Success Committee, 9:30 a.m. Oct. 10, Walter Hall 104
The Board will hear a presentation on the Fall 2019 census as compared to previous years, as well as enrollment milestones and records set this year across campuses and educational offerings at OHIO.
The presentation will include a discussion of the Strategic Executive Enrollment Committee’s projections for FY21-25.
Financial update: FY19 year-end results, FY20 Forecast, Multi-year Budget Planning
When: Resources, Facilities, and Affordability Committee, 12:30 p.m. Oct. 10, Walter Hall 104
Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration Deborah Shaffer will provide an update on the year-end results for FY19, including the impact of FY19 actual costs on the University’s multi-year operating reserve projection.
The presentation will include FY20 income statement forecasts and provide an update on the FY21-26 University Budget planning assumptions, process and timeline.
Capital projects
When: Resources, Facilities, and Affordability Committee, 12:30 p.m. Oct. 10, Walter Hall 104
The Board will consider a pair of new capital projects designed to improve ventilation and air quality in residence halls. The projects, estimated at $1.5 million for James Hall and $1.4 million for Washington Hall, would be funded by Housing and Residence Life. The Washington Hall project includes bringing chilled water to the building from the campus chilled water distribution loop, as well as controls for air conditioning.
If approved, construction on both would be completed during summer 2020.
Community Standards update
When: Academics and Student Success Committee, 9:30 a.m. Oct. 10, Walter Hall 104
Leadership in the Division of Student Affairs will present a four-year comparison of conduct cases and conduct offenses. The report shows that the overall case load dropped for the fourth straight year, with alcohol and marijuana violations down 43 percent over a four-year period.
Annual Clery Act compliance report
When: Audit and Risk Management Committee, 8 a.m. Oct. 11, Walter Hall 104
The Board will hear a presentation on the annual Clery Act compliance report, which will be released to the public Oct. 1. The report includes Annual Security Report and Annual Clery Fire Report data from calendar year 2018.
The full agenda for the October Board of Trustees meeting can be found on the Trustees’ website. The main board meeting will be streamed .